By Spy Uganda
Controversy has taken over the offices of Fortportal Town Clerk and Mayor as the duo accuse each other of working outside the 1995 Constitution of Uganda something that has seen poor service delivery to the people of Fort portal.

Having reported about Mayor’s accusations against the Town clerk a few days ago, TheSpy Uganda reporter had a phone interview last night with the acting Town Clerk Fort Portal Tourism City Ahimbisibwe Innocent who revealed that he was extremely disappointed with Mayor Asaba Ruyonga’s allegations which were backed by no iota of proof or law.

“What I have read in his letter is mere personal opinions, biases, extremely extracted from either personal vendetta or lack of information. Because whatever he has alleged he has not given any evidence. And I think he is being misadvised by some ill-intentioned people,” said the Town clerk.

Tumuhimbise also revealed that by Tuesday next week he will have responded to his allegations in writing. “I’m a professional not a politician, I don’t respond via media, he will receive my response in writing by Tuesday next week, that’s what you should know for now,” he added.

This stems from an array of allegations of corruption tendencies the newly elected Fort Portal Tourism Mayor Asaba Ruyonga raised through his missive this week, a copy of which Spy Uganda chanced on.
In a letter dated June 4th, 2021, Asaba accused the clerk of using his position on various occasions to make dubious transactions without the council’s approval.
To add salt to an injury, Asaba copied his to State House Anti Corruption Unit Commander Col. Edith Nakalema, Auditor General, Head of Public Service, RDC Fortportal among others, inviting them to put the clerk to task to clear the allegations of mismanagement of government funds.
“contrary to Article 200(1) of the Constitution of Uganda 1995 and Article 67(1)&(4) of the Local Government Act Cap 243, Public Financial Management under the Local Government Financial and Accounting Regulations 2007 Sections 11 and 71(1), Local Government Financial and Accounting Manual 2007 Sections 2.2.1 (6), 4.5.384.5.4(13), then-Treasury Instructions 2017 Sections 7.3.1, 7.3.5 and 7.4, you used your position on various occasions to make dubious transactions without council’s approval,” Ruyonga pinned the Clerk in his missive copied to State House’s Anti-Corruption Head Col. Edith Nakalema, among other offices.