Min. Of Health Investigates 2 Suspected COVID-19 Deaths In Uganda

Min. Of Health Investigates 2 Suspected COVID-19 Deaths In Uganda

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By Spy Uganda

The Ministry of Health is investigating allegations that two  people are suspected to have died of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Northern Uganda  on Monday.

The Ministry tweeted on Tuesday that; “@MinofHealthUG has noted a statement issued by Lacor Hospital on the death of 2 COVID-19 suspected patients. Samples have been taken to @UVRIug for testing and we shall communicate results shortly. We appeal to the population to remain calm and practice preventive measures.”  

The investigation was prompted by a statement released by St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, in Gulu, indicating that two patients who had been admitted with COVID-19 signs had died in the Hospital’s Isolation Ward.

Tweet from Ministry of Health about the matter

The Statement from Lacor Hospital dated April 27, 2020, reads in part thus;

  Re: Death of 2 Patients From Lacor Hospital Isolation Ward

There has been rumours circulating that 2 suspected patients of COVID-19 died from Lacor Hospital Isolation Ward.

As a Hospital we would like to inform the public that since the course of last week the Hospital  received 3 patients that presented with signs similar to that of COVID-19.

Unfortunately, 2 of the patients passed away yesterday. Those 2 patients were referrals from other neighbouring  Health Facilities   and came with other underlying diseases. They also reached the hospital in very critical condition.

The reason we isolated them is because the other underlying conditions they met the MOH criteria for COVID-19 suspicion.

We are now waiting for the results of the samples from these patients.

As a Hospital we continue to  be very alert and to screen all our clients at all entry points into the Hospital.

As of today Monday, April 27, 2020, Lacor Hospital has no confirmed case of COVID-19.

WE urge the public to remain calm but vigilant  and to report or refer any person who may be having signs and symptoms of COVID-19…”  

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