Minister Adolf Mwesige’s Tomentor Kamukama Lacks Minimum Academic Credentials, Rival Petitions NRM Electoral Body

Minister Adolf Mwesige’s Tomentor Kamukama Lacks Minimum Academic Credentials, Rival Petitions NRM Electoral Body

By Spy Uganda

Bunyangabu: In the recent National Resistance Movement (NRM) primary elections, Defense Minister, Hon.Adolf Mwesige Kasaija Apuuli is among the key ministers that were floored after losing his bid to defend the Bunyangabu county parliamentary party flag against his rival, Davis Kamukama.  

According to NRM results issued by Bunyangabu District NRM Registrar in the wee hours of Friday, Kamukama polled 22,445 to defeat incumbent Adolf Mwesigye, who polled 18,067 votes. 

Among other contestants, included Vincent O’womujuni who came third with 1,993 votes while Robert Nyakahuma trailed the group with 1,881 votes.

However, all the above is history, the newsworthy bit of all is that Kamukama, who trounced Minister Adolf, is reportedly unqualified and was allegedly nominated using false and fake academic papers.

It is against that background that one of the trounced aspirants O’womujuni Vincent, petitioned the NRM Electoral Commission and the party Chairman Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to nullify ‘unqualified’ Kamukama’s candidature.

Dr.Vincent Womujuni’s Petition.

It reads in full;


Dr. Vincent O’womujuni, one of the aspirants for the NRM Member of Parliament-Flag bearer for Bunyangabu constituency hereby humbly petition the chairman, National Resistance Movement, Electoral Commission and states as follows:

This petition is against the nomination and subsequent election of the NRM Member of Parliament Flag bearer for Bunyangabu Constituency one KAMUKAMA DAVIS on ground that he is not qualified to stand for election for Member of Parliament in accordance with Article 80(1(C) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda-Which state that, A person is qualified to be a member of Parliament if that person has completed minimum formal education of Advanced level standard or its equivalent which is established in a manner and at a time prescribed by Law.

The same position is re-echoed under section 4(1), (c) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, 2005, to the effect that;

It is my humble submission that the nomination of the candidate KAMUKAMA DAVIS Contest for NRM Member of Parliament Flag- bearer for Bunyangabu Constituency was unlawful, irregular, null and void for want of the Certificate from national Council of Higher Education equating Junior Technical Certificate in Tropical Agriculture Stage II to Advanced Certificate of Education in Uganda.

 In the premises, we humbly pray that you invoke your powers under Article 39(10) (c) of the NRM Constitution which provides that; “The electoral commission shall be fully conversant with the national laws and regulations relating to elections and to ensure that NRM complies with them.”

I therefore pray that the electoral commission nullifies the nomination and subsequent election of KAMUKAMA DAVIS for NRM Member of Parliament Flag- bearer for Bunyangabu Constituency.

I humbly pray.

Yours’ faithfully, Dr. Vincent Womujuni.

Cc. Chairperson Electoral Commission, Kampala.

Cc.Chairperson Uganda National Examination Board.

Cc. Director quality assurance and accreditation National Council for Higher Education.

Cc. RDC- Bunyangabu District.

Cc. Chairman NRM- Bunyangabu District.

Cc. NRM- District Registrar Bunyangabu District


UNEB’s Confirmation Of Kamukama’s Results.

In addition to Kamukama’s alleged connivance with UNEB to present false academic credentials to the party’s electoral commission, some political pundits add that Kamukama can’t even stand in public and speak English for two minutes, a pure implication of having a dull member of parliament once voted in the forthcoming general elections.

According to our sources in Kamukama’s camp, they allege that his defeat to Adolf was not because of his strong campaigns and problem solving manifestos, but instead it’s because people only had got tired of Adolf who has ruled for 25 years.

“It’s not that Kamukama was the favorite candidate, actually people would even vote a jerrycan if it had stood against Adolf” a source said, adding that people were also frustrated with Adolf’s acts of fighting other elected leaders in the district and wanting to be the only bull in the kraal.

Another source added that Kamukama never even campaigned, other than using his radio as the only strategy to convas fo votes, but never stepped in the field, and yet he emerged only two months to the elections. “Clearly, it’s other factors that led to Adolf’s fall,not Davis’ strength,” they added. an accessible web community

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