By Spy Uganda
Mubende: Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development-Judith Nabakooba has cautioned Mubende leaders to utilize effectively the opportunities of USMID Program which is aimed at uplifting Municipalities through improved urban infrastructure and institutional strengthening.

The Minister made the remarks while breaking grounds for USMID-AF project road works in Mubende district yesterday.
“USMID Program is very competitive. I therefore want to caution Mubende district leaders to take this opportunity seriously and make the best out it,” said the Minister.

Below Are Her Full Remarks

“I want to congratulate Mubende upon joining this great Program of USMID.
You are aware that the USMID program is premised on the need to uplift Municipalities through improved urban infrastructure and institutional strengthening.
Being part of the USMID Program is very competitive and many other Municipalities have applied.
Unfortunately, all applications cannot be considered at the same time. I therefore want to caution Mubende district leaders to take this opportunity seriously and make the best out it.
There are so many other Municipalities that have benefited from this project. I want to challenge you to borrow a leaf from them and ensure that you do not repeat earlier mistakes.
I want today to inform the people of Mubende that USMID is a Program for Results (PforR) which means that the level of funding available to you, will be dependent on yourperformance.
My ministry team is already on the ground to conduct a Mock assessment for the FY 2020/2021, and once the results from the Independent Verification Agent are released, the amount of grants extended to you, shall be dependent on your performance.
I want to challenge the people of this Municipality to task you Mr Town Clerk and your technical team, to pass these assessments highly and get all the money for your sub-projects.
With the current funding you have of UGX 34.7Bn over the years, my prayer is that you work harder and pass the forth coming assessment, so that it informs the future funding. A team from my Ministry is already out here conducting a Mock assessment, to prepare you for the final one due in October.
Today’s ground breaking of Lubanga road, Second Link and Kabalega-Kasana bypass roads, starts a phase of civil works in this town, for the next 18 months.
I want to urge the contractor (China Wu Yi Company) together with the Consultant (UB Consulting) to give usquality work, and also ensure the work is finished within the set timelines.
On this note too, I want to remind the Municipality Councillors of your role. You, together with the Municipal Development Forum (MDF) have a heavy task ahead of you.
You have to monitor the progress of the projects, and also ensure that the Town meets all the minimum conditions required for further funding.
Community participation and stakeholder engagements are very important components of this project.
These have been enhanced through the establishment of the Municipal Development Forums where all stakeholders should be represented with clear roles articulated.
The forums are the liaison between the Municipality and the communities. Please take advantage of these forums to foster sustainable urban development, and support the project directly.
I would like to inform the Municipal Council leaders that the USMID program has an elevated standard of transparency, accountability and participation of all citizens.
You must already be aware of the Complaints Handling system under the Program where you will receive, register and resolve complaints about the works and other aspects of the program.
My Ministry has also opened a call centre office to register complaints. The toll-free line is 0800 100 004.
I know people in Mubende are already calling to report issues of land. I encourage to use the same line to report cases of miss management under this project.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mubende has earned so much already, but has much more ahead to earn, once the performance is evident.
I want to task all technical officers not to frustrate the people of Mubende – serve them as is expected, for example I have been informed of the drainage problems in Mubende.
Yours seems unique, because it flows from the hills, let us work together with my technical project team to solve this problem and protect our roads.
Apart from drainage we also have matters concerning Solid Waste Management.
My Ministry has received your request of a garbage truck and the process has started. In the meantime, continue educating our people on proper waste disposal habits.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the USMID program is scheduled toclose on 31st December 2023, meaning that we have less than 3 years to complete all the actions we intend to take.
We have lost a lot of time in the preparatory stages of the program largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic so we cannot afford to lose any more time.
We have to change strategy to improve our efficiency, in order to deliver in the stipulated timelines.
I call upon you to utilise my Ministry Staff led by the Permanent Secretary and all the technical staff.
They will be available to support you and ensure that this project delivers on time.
I thank you for your attention. For God and my Country.”
Pictorial Of Nabakooba In Mubende