MP Ruhunda asks NRM members to ‘liberate’ party from Museveni before it collapses like Kenya’s KANU!

MP Ruhunda asks NRM members to ‘liberate’ party from Museveni before it collapses like Kenya’s KANU!

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By Andrew Irumba

Two times Fort portal municipality Member of Parliament Hon.Alex Ruhunda has warned fellow National Resistance Movement (NRM) members to ‘liberate’ party from its founder Chairman H. ( E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni before it collapses like Moi’s Kenya African National Union (KANU) of Kenya.

Alex consult his supporters in Fort Portal recently.

Ruhunda made this mind boggling prediction while on one of the age limit consultative rallies on Saturday in Njara, a fort Portal suburb. “Our beloved President Museveni has done extremely well,that’s why I have always  picked a lot of inspiration from him. But I think with age,even when you feel you would want to do more for your country and yourself, naturally  the vigor evaporates with old age. So the task we have as our generation now is to first of all ‘liberate’ the party from this workaholic president before it collapses on us like KANU of Muzei Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya” Ruhunda lectured amid cheers from his supporters.

Ruhunda, accompanied by fellow  Kabarole District woman MP Sylvia Rwabwogo agreed with president Museveni when he argued in a local TV interview that after 75 yrs of age, one becomes scientifically  weak and the vigor to work drastically reduces,therefore he couldn’t advise a country to risk having a president who is above 75 yrs. “I’m quoting my mentor Museveni who said in a TV interview that he wouldn’t certainly stand for president after 75 yrs, he is the one who ‘spoilt’ me to love him soo much and believe every word he says, so I know there are some selfish and self-centered people who are trying to misadvise him on this article 102 (B) because they want to see him destroy his good legacy” Ruhunda said.

Ruhunda not alone:

Woman MP Sylvia Rwabwogo doing her ‘thing’ in Fort Portal last week.

The Rwenzori Diocese Bishop Rt. Rev. Reuben Kisembo on Monday 30th joined several other district leaders and hundreds of Tooro community at Buhinga stadium at Ruhunda’s last consultative rally and sent a strong message of total dissent against lifting of the presidential age limit.

Also in attendance were Fort Portal mayor Rev.Willy Muhanga Ateenyi, the Imam of Mpanga  Mosque, Ft.Kumaraki of Virika, Kabarole District Speaker Gilbert Kayondo, LC3 C/M Fort Portal South Div. Herbert Mugisa, Joram Bintamanya Councilor South Div. among other leaders.

Mayor Muhanga asked president Museveni to respect the will of the people by accepting to retire honorably. Fdc’s iron man Joram Bintamanya warned of serous catastrophe that awaits Museveni if he insisted on amending the constitution against the will of the people. “I want to tell president that we the people shall be forced to ‘sort’ this mess ourselves, this time we don’t want parliament to interfere with whatever path the civilians will have decided to take to solve this themselves, including taking Museveni by the ‘horns’” warned tough talking opposition honcho.

Article 102(B) barres one bellow 35 and above 75 yrs. of age from standing for presidency. If amended, President Yoweri  Kaguta Museveni will be illegible  to stand for presidency again in 2021. an accessible web community

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