MP Ruhunda Secures Court Injunction Against MTN On Sharing Territory With Andrew Mwenda, Slaps UGX400B Claim For Breach Of Contract!

MP Ruhunda Secures Court Injunction Against MTN On Sharing Territory With Andrew Mwenda, Slaps UGX400B Claim For Breach Of Contract!

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By Andrew Irumba

 Okay, atleast by now we all know that the two time Fort Portal Municipality MP Alex Ruhunda Akiiki aka Nikisoboka is at the verge of losing his MTN dealership in some parts of western Uganda to controversial veteran journalist cum CEO of the Independent Magazine Andrew Mujuni Mwenda aka old man of the clan and his sister who doubles as MP Burahya Hon.Margaret Muhanga aka o’wembuzi, who wants to venture in vending MTN products after accumulating enough dime from selling afew of her goats for some good years.

This was after both mortar mouthed Mwenda and Muhanga, also wife to former NFA Executive director Michael Mugisa allegedly back stabbed the #Nikisoboka crusader and convinced MTN CEO Wim Vanhelleputte to dock off part of Ruhunda’s territory and give it to them.

Indeed, like we reported two months ago on this very dependable website, we have a letter in our arm pits indicating that MTN cut off some areas in Ruhunda’s territory and awarded them to Mwenda and Muhanga’s company known as Black Knights Ltd. The letter okaying the move was signed by the CEO himself, Mr.Wim.

However, fresh information we gather now is that Ruhunda ran to commercial court through his lawyers AF Mpanga Advocates and successfully secured an injunction stopping MTN from cutting off any of his territorial business area to Mwenda and team until the case failed against them is disposed off.

“This application coming up for final disposal on 19th November 2018 before  Her Worship Lillian Bucyana in the presence of Allan Katangaza holding brief for Brian Kalule, counsel for the applicant and in the absence of counsel for the respondent .

It’s here by ordered that:

  • The respondent or its agents or servants or anyone acting on its behalf is restrained from taking over the applicant’s business franchise in Mityana and Mubende Business territory.
  • This order shall remain in force until miscellaneous cause No.53 0f 2018 fixed for hearing on 16th January 2019 is disposed off; and
  • Costs shall be in the cause.

Given under my hand and the seal of this honourable court at Kampala this 19th November 2018,” read part of the order by Her worship Lillian Buchana,deputy registrar of the commercial court in Kampala.

Court injunction secured by Hon.Alex Ruhunda against MTN

Meanwhile, although both Ruhunda and his business partner Denis Mugarra remained tight lipped on some of their prayers before court, our independent sources intimated to us last night that the duo asked for a whooping approx.UGX 400B in compensation and damages should MTN loose the case.

“If you need details of the case please contact the lawyer David Mpanga,” Ruhunda answered via phone when asked by our reporter to delve into more details about their prayers before court. However, our repeated calls to counsel Mpanga remained unanswered by the time we went to press.

For the last eighteen years (18),Ruhunda, under his Daj communications Ltd has been the pioneer MTN dealer for the biggest parts of Rwenzori region, western Uganda covering Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Kyegegwa, Mityaana, Mubende , Ntoroko and Bundibugyo.

Daj communications is jointly owned by Alex Ruhunda, the biggest shareholder, Joseph Rwabuhinga and Denis Mugara, all business men from King Oyo’s territory-Tooro Kingdom.

On other hand, Black Knights Ltd is owned by among others Andrew Mwenda and his sister Margaret Muhanga. Most interesting is that they’re all sons and daughters of Oyo’s land who have now been stirred up by a stranger called ‘’.

Independent source intimated to this reporter that it’s possible Ruhunda’s woes could be emanating from his strong political views that some pundits said ‘rubbed’ the big man with a hat the hard way.

“But you know that Ruhunda has been vocal in parliament ever since. The biggest clear cut with Muzei was during the ‘Togikwatako’ campaign where he clearly rallied Fort portal people against him, this is payback time. He must go grassing like once Eria Kategaya, David Ssejusa aka Tinyefuza etc,”this political analyst who preferred anonymity said on phone.

“But also, if you have been following politics, in 2016 Muzei refused to support a whole NRM Chairman of the area (Ruhunda) and chose to sponsor his competitor Steven Kaliba. He actually boosted his campaign with UGX 500m, Brand new Land cruiser and body guards, as the state squeezed Ruhunda’s businesses with exorbitant taxes through URA etc, have you forgotten that fact?” he continued.

How Mwenda Sealed MTN Deal With CEO Wim Vanhelleputte:

TheSpy Uganda can exclusively reveal that ever since Ruhunda seemingly went on the collision side with the powers that be, Mwenda and Margaret Muhanga’s job has been to collect evidence which they would later deliver to MTN CEO justifying that it was becoming dangerous doing business with a politician who is not in good books with Muzei. The two smart city honchos also made it a point that Muzei endorses their deal through their proxy networks in state house, we’ve learnt.

Copy of letter by MTN CEO writen on 19th Alex Ruhunda with drawing territories.
MTN CEO’s letter allocating territory to Andrew Mwenda’s Black Knight Ltd

“Well, Mr.Irumba, MTN cerebrated 18 yrs two months ago, Daj Communication has been with them for 18 of the twenty yrs that they celebrated, we’ve been part of their success, so I know this is not genuine, because they wrote to me on 19th September 2018 and just one day later, on 21st September 2018, they wrote to Black Knights informing them that they were giving them the deal! That shows that there had been under hand methods,” Ruhunda lamented on phone, roaring like a wounded lion.

How The Grand Plan To Prematurely End Ruhunda’s Political Career Was Sealed:

TheSpy Uganda landed on information recently that aims at ending Ruhunda’s political career prematurely before 2021 general elections. Infact, in their dozier they claim MTN, through Daj communications has been the biggest financial sponsor for Ruhunda by giving him multi-billion juicy deals, which money he uses to keep himself at the top of his game politically.

The old man of the clan, together with his sister Muhanga allegedly convinced the son of late Muzei Amos Kaguta that if MTN was cut off from him, his financial prowess would significantly be in ‘red’, and that since they are his blue eyed bazukulu in Tooro ,he should send a signal to the MTN CEO about the same. This information was well delivered to MTN CEO, not by Mwenda or Muhanga but through other networks, Spy Uganda can exclusively confirm.

In plan, they will not take over all his dealership districts at one go, no, remember the Mwenda’s company is new in the business, so they will start by cutting two districts first as they gather experience.

“MTN will first reduce the territorial areas where Daj has been operating by cutting off areas like Mityana, Mubenda, Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo which have been the soul prime areas for Daj communication. This is expected to suffocate Daj communications operations since they will not be in position to service the loans on which the company has been operating.

Secondly, MTN has already set a high target for Daj that can’t be achieved that will lead to cancellation of the contract,” an insider with in MTN intimated to this reporter.

Daj communication is known for popularizing the legislator as it employs over 1000 youth who turn into his political agents during elections.

Ruhunda is among the most prominent leaders Tooro has so far produced to the national level and some observers say the Government has always been worried about his political prowess, having tried to ‘immunize’ him severally in vain.

Ruhunda is the only MP to serve two consecutive terms as Fort Portal municipality MP in the history of Fort Portal politics so far. This, to many has remained a puzzle.

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