MUASA Boss Dr. Kamunyu Suspended For Misconduct

MUASA Boss Dr. Kamunyu Suspended For Misconduct

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By Patrick Jaramogi

KAMPALA, Uganda: It is not even a week since President Museveni heaped praises on Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nahangwe for suspending errant MUK staff.

The latest report we have is that the ‘mortar-mouthed’ Chairperson of Makerere University Academic Staff Association, (MUASA), Dr. Deus Kamunyu has been shown the exit.  In a suspension letter dated January 17 2019, to Dr. Kamunyu, Prof  Nawangwe said: “Despite various warnings, the MUASA boss has continued to engage in acts that amount to misconduct including offenses under computer misuse. (link) ” Prof Nawangwe said in the letter that Kamunyu has continued to incite with intention to cause disobedience, strike to undermine the university administration, intimidation of university officials, using abusive language and making false statement.

Dr. Kamunyu is also accused of inciting other staff to disrupt university activities and engage in related unlawful conducts. “You have routinely been advised and engaged to stop your aforesaid misconduct but you have not taken heed, therefore in order to protect the reputation of the university, its activities, personnel and property from your disruptive activities, I hereby suspend you from the university in accordance with section 5.9 (b) of Makerere University human resource manual,” stated Nahangwe. Similarly Prof. Nahangwe said a committee will be constituted to investigate Kamunyu’s  conduct where he will be invited to defend himself. Meanwhile Makerere University administration will pay him half salary as he is being investigated, but he has been barred from stepping foot at the university premises, or utilizing any property that belongs to the university. an accessible web community

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