By Andrew Irumba
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has urged Ugandans to embrace the culture of religious tolerance such that they can co-exist amicably and peacefully in society.

The Fountain of Honour H.E President Museveni made these remarks while addressing a gathering in Jinja municipality, where he reaffirmed his support for religious freedoms, saying his government adopted a principled stand on the matter, to support all religious beliefs operating lawfully. (Alprazolm)

The President, who was in the company of Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, was chief Guest at the anniversary celebrations for the World Mekaddishken Ministries in Jinja.

President Museveni Preached tolerance among different religious beliefs, saying it is wrong to judge wrong, because that is God’s responsibility.

During the same event, H.E the President also made a contribution of Shs100m towards construction of the Church, Shs 20m being cash and Shs80m in pledges.