Museveni’s Biblical 10 ‘Commandments’ That Will Fix Uganda’s Security Problem

Museveni’s Biblical 10 ‘Commandments’ That Will Fix Uganda’s Security Problem

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By Andrew Irumba

President Yoweri Kagutta Museveni in his address to Parliament on Wednesday revealed 10 points that that,if followed to the latter will put an end to the current insecurity that has led to unexplainable gruesome murders . Similar to the 1986 10 point programme and the Biblical 10 commandments of God,Mr.Museveni assured the full to capacity Ugandan parliament that by coming up with such measures, he was on top of his game and that those trying to cause insecurity don’t know what they dealing with.

The President started by giving Long history of conflicts and wars in Africa before revealing his 10 point security measures that would secure the country’s stability.

Among them is Finger printing all the guns in the country and thus he has already issued an order to capture all the finger prints though this will not help in capturing smuggled guns, he said.

All motor vehicles and Motor cycles shall have electronic number plates with electronic signals in them which cost shall be met by the owners. He said though they will protect their owners privacy but it will enable security agencies to know who was at where and that the system will alter the central system when one tries to interfere with the number plate thus registration will be cancelled and the offender shall be arrested. He also said police has already banned those who zoom on road with jacket hoods.

Introduction of new helmets with illuminated numbers on the front and at the back will also reduce on criminality, Museveni said.

He mentioned Installation of Cameras in Towns and Highways as another measure. On this he said it was a master blow since criminals can never invade eye, camera and telescope. He said Cameras are like human eyes adding that if necessary they will go hand in hand with thermo sensors. “This master blow will not fail us if criminals try to play their games of covering their heads, the officers will be alerted and the criminals will be intercepted,” he said.

“How about villages?, people who go there, branch from the main roads and this will help us to narrow on the persons who branched off that day,” said Museveni.

Introduction of Modern forensic laboratories; President Museveni said he thought National IDs would do that but they only took the thumb instead of the palm. He said he had a debate with members of the Security Council on having our DNA captured too most of which were opposed.

Speedy response on the incidents; “How quickly do we arrive at the scene of crime?, I have asked police to reactivate 999, flying squad (not crawling squad as it’s been) and to provide them with UAVs (drones) in addition to other means of transport”.

The defense committee had only authorized 30 drones, and 500 have been impounded because they were entering the country illegally. These must be regulated and the concerned ministry should work on a bill and policy to present to cabinet and Parliament for approval.

Get those who Misuse social media to threaten violence and spread lies, he said they are going to empower Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) to get those who hide their faces without interrupting genuine users.

They are also going to acquire more scanners to look into containers that enter the country to get those who under declare commodities to invade taxes and get those transporting weapons illegally.

Museveni also said they need to have a small army but well equipped and educated technical officers.

President also emphasized the need to sensitize the public not to interfere with the scene of crime and police to take interest in getting the clues from the people.

Reacting to the address,state minister for tourism Godfrrey Kiwanda said; “President Museveni has really made a substantive address because he has given us a clear security history that traces back over 500 years ago”.

Ronald Kibuule the state minister for water said: “what’s worrying is the time frame in which to implement this, otherwise his points are valid and this will help to defeat criminality in the country”

Tom Azza MP west Moyo county, “what stood out for me is tracking the criminals using their number plates but am disappointed since the president didn’t hint on how he is going to tackle youth unemployment since its them that are used for these criminals and may be the Veterans who are annoyed since some don’t get their gratuity. That aside, to fulfill his ideas is expensive and can only be achieved in long run”.

However leader of opposition Winnie Kiiza said the president only came to ‘confess’ how he has failed to secure the country and has no idea atall on how he will fix the security problem. an accessible web community

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