Museveni’s Inauguration Pan-African Speech: PAP Hosts Pan–Africanism Experts To Discuss How Capitalism & Feudalism Systems Have Hindered Pan-Africanism In Uganda

Museveni’s Inauguration Pan-African Speech: PAP Hosts Pan–Africanism Experts To Discuss How Capitalism & Feudalism Systems Have Hindered Pan-Africanism In Uganda

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By Frank Kamuntu

Kampala: A faction of Pan-Africanists in Uganda under their umbrella organization of Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) have organized a debate to analyze President Museveni’s 12/May/2021 swearing-in speech that saw him encouraging all Africana to bury tribalism, sectarianism among others and practice Pan-Africanism.

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Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) a non-governmental organization built on the pillars of Pan Africanism, Patriotism and Nationalism, organizes such debates every Friday at Uganda’s most luxurious Fairway Hotel, Nakasero Kampala.

TheSpy Uganda has learnt that on May, 14, 2021 debate, Pan Africanists will be discussing; ”Uganda Is Under Capitalism & Feudalism System Which Hinder Pan-Africanism & Patriotism; Expert Analysis On President Museveni’s Pan-African Inauguration Speech”

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Meanwhile, we have since learnt that one of the panelists on this debate is reknown Pan Africanism activist, a presidential advisor and a celebrated lecturer at National Leadership Institute (NALI) Kyankwanzi, Professor Kajabago Karusoke. According to Kajabago, Museveni’s capitalism and feudalism systems he has built in Uganda are a barrier to Pan Africanism.

”It is very impossible for Ugandans to embrace and promote Pan Africanism when you are ruling them under capitalism and feudalism system, the two are enemies of Pan Africanism,” Prof. lectured to one of our reporters when contacted on phone.

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Other panelists on this debate include a proud Pan Africanist, scholar and political pundit Mr.Afrika Lutwama Mathias and Kyambogo University’s lecturer Mr.David Kasuti a man who on most occasions speak out his mind with out fear or favor.

Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 2015 with a vision to articulate concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awakening among the BLACK people throughout Africa and in the Diaspora and galvanize inventions and innovations of African people basing on its principles as an intellectual, non-partisan discussion forum, built on the Pillars of PAN AFRICANISM  PATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM.

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The PAP  Ideology/pre-occupation is to  REVIVE intellectual discourse among youth with a bias on re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit.

The organization was founded by the current PAP Speaker and Chairman Andrew Irumba Katusabe, with its social impact and humanitarian programs including;

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1.Organizing PAP debates every Friday

2.Pan African Pyramid Global Awards every August

3.Collection and delivery of relief aide to refugees every December

4.Agriculture and livestock farming

5.Pan-African Marathon 

6.Establishment of Pan African Pyramid School clubs and debates

7.Small Savings and Investments

8.Tree Planting and Natural Resource Maintenance (Environment Conservation)

As a norm, PAP has continued to provide support to Africans living in harsh situations, especially needy students and refugees in their respective camps.

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Previously they have offered support to Nakivale Refugee settlement camps located in Isingiro district where over 120000 refugees from over 10 nations received donations, which marked the end of 2019  before the coming of COVID-19 that interrupted the 2020 PAP calendar which we have learnt is set to resume this year with PAP Global Awards in August. an accessible web community

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