Not True: NTV Boss Dustbins Rumours Of Snatching NBS TV’s Mildred Tuhaise

Not True: NTV Boss Dustbins Rumours Of Snatching NBS TV’s Mildred Tuhaise

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By Andrew Irumba

Rumors have been spreading like wild fire during the festive season that Kamwokya based NBS TV’s celebrated female news anchor and talk-show host Mildred Tuhaise was on her way to rival Television station NTV.

The rumours even intimated that the dark skinned, sexy, bummy, chummy anchor could be on NTV airwaves and ready to ‘TURN ON YOUR WORLD’ as soon as the new year begins!

Mildred Tuhaise (L) likely to be replaced by Sheilla Nduhukire (R)

For starters, Mildred Tuhaise Amooti from th the oil land, Bunyoro (though she has no right to even just a spoon of oil) has been off air because she took a maternity leave few months ago after she gave birth and was supposed to report back at Next Media  Services offices early January 2020. This is contrary to rumours and reports that she is already on rest  on NTV’s instructions and that they would pay the days she would be off NBS airwaves to first prepare her grand appearance at the Serena  based TV station.

Confirmation from NTV Boss via WhatsApp Chat that Tuhaise hasn’t joined them yet though it’s not a taboo if she does in future

However, In trying to put the record straight, our reporter Andrew Irumba sought clarification from the top honchos (names withheld on request) at NTV last night and this rumor was put to total rest when the most dependable source said it was not true that they had any plans of hiring Tuhaise’s services at the moment, although he couldn’t rule out what the future could hold! “It’s not true at the moment, but NTV is an equal opportunity employer, any one with the qualities needed can be hired to serve to their potential,” a top boss at the Serena Hotel based Station was quoted saying.

However, other sources confirmed to this reporter that it’s been a while now since the top hierarchy at NTV started looking for ways to make their breakfast show competitive, and that some of the top people at the TV station have been heard severally quoting NBS’ Tuhaise as a great mastermind that can turn around the  NTV morning show.

This, if it comes to pass, Tuhaise would be the first news anchor to leave NBS for the Serena-based NTV which would then, in itself represent a win for NTV, following the fact that so many of their presenters and news anchors have left and joined NBS in search for greener pastures.

This time round,it would mean that Tuhaise is tired of greener pastures and is now looking for gold, since she already have pastures and oil.

It should be remembered that it was during the time she went on maternity leave that NBS TV opened wide its doors for another fire brand English news anchor Sheillah Nduhukire, who also formerly worked with NTV to take over from Tuhaise as she enjoyed her leave.

As if to raise even more eyebrows, Nduhukire sat in the exact chair Tuhaise used to wiggle in as she read her news with ease; you know how she does her thing you also….This, to some pundits, could have sent Tuhaise into thinking or interpreting the whole situation differently; you know work issues, don’t you??!….
For now watch this very space…..will keep you posted.. an accessible web community

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