OPM, UNHCR Unveil Communication System For Refugees

OPM, UNHCR Unveil Communication System For Refugees

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By Spy Reporter

Kampala, Uganda: Life for refugees in Uganda is set to become easier after the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)  and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) launching a communication system for refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda.

The system will be able to link up refugees from various countries who have fled to Uganda and other still fleeing, such that they can easily be identified as reunited with their families. A communiqué from  the UNHCR reveals that the two-way communication system dubbed “inter-agency Feedback, Referral and Resolution Mechanism (FRRM)” is aimed at boosting existing information sharing systems in refugee Settlements across Uganda, providing accessible and reliable communication channels to all asylum seekers in the country. The system is to start operating  by February this year according  to sources within the OPM. A press statement released by Joel Boutroue, the UHCR representative in Uganda,  indicates that the main motive of this development is to stimulate communication between refugee communities and responsible authorities on critical issues affecting them. Boutroue said that “By having a range of communication channels, UNHCR, GoU and partner agencies will enhance the options available to refugees for reporting any concerns they may have, depending on their preference, personal situation and the nature of the issue. (https://jackoliverpools.com/) ” He  also noted that “The FRRM will give refugees and asylum seekers the opportunity to make their voices heard and quell the storm of misinformation that often lands them in the wrong hands.”

Uganda is home  to over a million refugees from countries like South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Israel,  among others. However, since refugees and asylum seekers need critical information in real time, this new system will help both the refugees and UNCHR to quickly collect, process and disseminate information about them such that they can receive adequate relief in real time. Harrison Lanigan the project coordinator revealed that this communication and response mechanism currently comprises a number of channels including the new toll-free helpline and already existing mechanisms to receive feedback from refugees such as protection desks, suggestion/complaint boxes, community structures and face-to-face communication with refugees. This programme shall entail a centralized call centre with an inter-agency toll-free countrywide helpline which will respond to queries in real time and have complaints transferred to relevant agencies for resolution in the fastest manner. The system is already operating in seven refugee settlements in Uganda which include;  Kiryandongo, Rwamwanja, Kyangwali, Bidi Bidi, Kyaka, Nakivale and Kampala

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