By Micheal Atwakiire
Sheema: Over 10000 people from western Uganda districts on Saturday received free medical services at Sacred Heart S.S Mushanga from the AMDA group.

These people got free scanning, testing of different diseases like AIDS, cervical cancer, diabetes, blindness , cavities, and others, plus surgeries without forgetting guidance and counselling .

Whoever was found ill with a certain disease, received immediate treatment while others were admitted.

All these services were given out by AMDA (Archdiocese Of Mbarara Development Association) members, who are Catholics born in Mbarara archdiocese but work from Kampala, Wakiso, Jinja and Mpigi districts. Other services given to people were judiciary services to those with cases and conflicts, free informal education, economic development and many others.

Rev. Fr. Vincent Mucunguzi Masteady, the parish priest Mushanga parish, said that by 5:00Am, more than 200 people were already in the line to receive services. He blamed the government for failing to deliver services to grassroot people.
He later urged the government to reach on ground and look into people’s needs.

“The reason why people are too many here is because there are no services in government health centres. It’s only the rich who afford private clinics to get treated but our grassroot people have no option other than dying like cockroaches. I ask the government leaders to reach on ground and they see how people suffer” Mucunguzi said.
Former Sheema district woman MP Hon Nyakikongoro Rosemary, who led the team, asked the government to use tax payers money to introduce health schemes insurance for every individual like other countries do.”
She added that “Some countries like Rwanda have that insurance, but for us in Uganda; I don’t know what taxpayers’ money does. People don’t have money to go to Kampala for cancer treatment. There must be health insurance for all individuals such that if someone gets