By Frank Kamuntu
HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni this afternoon announced reshuffle of District Resident Commissioners (RDCs) and Resident City Commissioners (RCCs) through out the country.

Among those that have reaped big from this reshuffle include; staunch Pan African Pyramid (PAP) member, a distinguished Pan Africanist and Nationalist, Mathias Lubwama Africa aka Lord Master.
Mr.Lutwama who is famous for spreading the message of Pan Africanism amongst Ugandans most especially youths and Africans at large has been appointed Deputy RDC Gulu district.

In one of the PAP groups that Lutwama shares with fellow Pan Africanists, our snoop picked some of the congratulatory messages members penned to him and they follow;

Mr.Edwin Tuhairwe; Lutwama Africa Congratulations. Safe Journey to Gulu! Wish you well. We shall miss your wisdom in the Friday debates.
The only issue is whether Lutwama Africa is not overqualified for D/RDC; Will the peasants understand his philosophies?. My view is that he would have done better in the Ideology Department of the UPDF.
Mr.Uhuru Sserubiri; True, Lord Master Lutwama Africa has been appointed Deputy RDC; it was overdue.
I was listening to Lord Master’s NRM teachings at former Seascalop, with late Prof Kajabagu, when I was in senior five; one time they drove me back home when I didn’t have transport and the debate had ended late at 11pm; in the car I had them discussing Globalization And It’s Discourse, by Prof Josef Stieglitz; and I paid extreme attention, but I had no idea, the kid behind was listening attentively.
PAP Speaker Mr.Andrew Irumba; Our very own Lutwama Africa has been appointed RDC Gulu!. Imagine in our meeting yesterday we discussed him and agreed to hand over to him our research desk to head it! Because he’s been very resourceful. But that means Gulu now becomes our other home. Congratulations comrade. Don’t agonize_organize.
Meanwhile, these come at a time when PAP has announced the resumption of weekly-Friday debates at Fairway Hotel that have been on halt for two years over COVID-19 Pandemic effects.
PAP Speaker Irumba last week revealed that it’s not only debates resuming but also the annual PAP Awards (every August) and X-mas with Refugees Programs (every December 22nd) will also be reinstated.
About Pan-African Pyramid
Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 2015 with a vision to articulate concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awakening among the BLACK people throughout Africa and in the Diaspora and galvanize inventions and innovations of African people based on its principles as an intellectual, non-partisan discussion forum, built on the Pillars of PAN AFRICANISM PATRIOTISM and NATIONALISM.
The PAP Ideology/pre-occupation is to REVIVE intellectual discourse among youth with a bias on re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit. The organization was founded by the current PAP Speaker and Chairman Andrew Irumba Katusabe.
What Is Pan-africanism?
Pan-Africanism is an ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans worldwide. It’s based on the belief that unity is vital to economic, social, and political progress and aims to “unify and uplift” people of African descent. The ideology asserts that the fate of all African peoples and countries are intertwined. At its core Pan-Africanism is “a belief that African peoples, both on the continent and in the diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny”
Our Vision:
To articulate the concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awaking amongst the BLACK people throughout Africa and in the Diaspora, and galvanize inventions and innovations of the African people.
Our Mission:
To REVIVE intellectual discourse among the youths with a bias of re-constructing our lost Pan-Africanism, patriotism and Nationalism Values and spirit.
Our Objectives:
(a) To promote a critical understanding and appreciation of Africa as a continent and black people as a formidable race and foster ways to promote togetherness to enhance the social economic progress of our continent and our race.
(b) To promote critical thinking, analysis and constructive debates among the youth as a foundation of nurturing young leaders for a better Africa.
(c) To organize public debates in primary, secondary, Tertiary and University schools to train, discuss and enable the young generation to understand their African history and encourage them to support the best ways to cause social-economic development in an African context.
(d) To organize and manage Annual Global Pan-African Pyramid Awards aimed at recognizing and appreciating the unforgettable struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors across all generations who unreservedly fought and defended the rights and existence of the Black race across the world.
(e) To offer a platform in which civic Education is dispensed through which, members appreciate and understand their role in nation-building in particular and the development of Africa as a whole.
(f) To promote Regional and African integration as a means of enabling Africans to work together in harmony with each other and cause a holistic development.
(g) To organize reading and study tours and competitions among the youth and adults that will inculcate a culture of reading and research among members and guide them to prioritize specific books with African aspirations which are critical for the awakening and development of Africa.
(h) To establish a knowledge searching platform that will help create a think tank that will Progressively address the challenges facing the African continent.
To engage in charitable activities that are intended at empowering the vulnerable such as raising money for poor children in need of heart surgery and other chronic diseases, building homes for the homeless, paying fees for teens and young mothers and doing such activities that empower the poor live in dignity.
(j) To engage in social-economic activities like Agriculture, livestock farming, group savings and investments that will lift our members from poverty and make them economically independent.
(k) To mobilize resources from internal and external partners and the general public to uplift the general living conditions of our people and members to meet the objectives of our organization.
(l) To organize membership visits and trainings that will improve on solidarity but also empower our members financially.
(m) To establish and build Pan-African schools, libraries and research centers aimed at equipping our members with enough African related history.
(n) To contract with any organization private or governmental at any level dealing in public awareness campaigns for the greater good of society.
Our Target Audience:
THE PAN-AFRICAN PYRAMID has the most influential and circular Audience with the majority being youth. Our pioneer/ regular members include Law students from Law Development Centre (LDC), Makerere University,MUBS,KIU,Kyambogo,St.Lawrence Univ.,Busitema Univ., St.Lawrence Univ., Ndejje Univ. and the general distinguished pan-African members of the public.
We have so far opened up PAN-AFRICAN PYRAMID chapters in universities and other tertiary institutions and supervised them to elect their leaders to keep networking with the main headquarters from time to time. These include; MUK, Kyambogo, KIU, Ndejje, Crane media Institute and UMCAT. We are still looking forward to opening more and more.
We believe that the youth, especially university and Tertiary students are the key change agents because they can analyze/understand and influence.
As a norm, PAP has continued to provide support to Africans living in harsh situations, especially needy students and refugees in their respective camps.
Previously they have offered support to Nakivale Refugee settlement camps located in Isingiro district where over 120000 refugees from over 10 nations received donations, which marked the end of 2019 before the coming of COVID-19 that interrupted the 2020/21 PAP calendar which we have learnt is set to resume this year with PAP Global Awards in August.