By Frank Kamuntu
Kampala: George William Alenyo, the Executive Director Institute of Hebrew Studies and author of a book titled ‘Deal in the Desert’ which he published to inform future generations about foreign countries’ interests in Africa, unearthed secrets behind the recently concluded Russia-Africa Summit.

Alenyo revealed these shocking secrets during the Pan African Pyramid Debate on November 1 at Fairway hotel, hosted every Friday by Speaker Andrew Irumba Katusabe during which he revealed that the recent summit was meant to further dumpen Africa’s long dream of self actualization and self rule.
Alenyo said that after identifying foreign interests, countries like Libya, Egypt, Uganda decided to undertake research in the aims and interests of Russia president Vladimir Putin’s hidden motives behind the first ever Russia-Africa summit. The two day event was held in Sochi state and was attended by leaders of 43 African countries.

During the summit, Putin signed military agreements with at least 30 African countries accompanied by deals for military helicopters, fighter jets, arms and armoured vehicles.

“This is one of the ways Africa is being hacked again by another foreign super power after USA’s interests in Africa,” he said.
He added that “Putin is more interested in Africa because of its consumption of firearms since Russia is the number one firearms producer and African countries have been highly demanding these weapons, Putin knows the time to sell is now. For instance Algeria is the number one consumer of Russian weapons in Africa, Egypt is the second consumer, Angola is the third and Uganda is the fourth fire arms consumer from both Russia and China.”

Alenyo noted that “The failure of Donald Trump’s government to control Africa starting with de-powering long-serving African presidents as he had promised during his campaign, gives Russia lee-way to take over Africa starting with Syria, where America has failed to control the war with arguments that Russia has been sponsoring this war by supporting the government. Currently that’s why Russia is believed Superpower in both African and western countries.”

He also revealed that “The language and conduct of America’s ambassadors in Africa, basing on a statement which was made by the US ambassador to Uganda His Excellence Dorothy Malaac, where she called youth in northern Uganda “lazy people” could be a big factor for the Russian involvement in Africa, using the America’s weaknesses in African countries.”
However, Alenyo advised Russia that if they wanted to capture more attention from Africans they would have invited not only African leaders, but also Nongovernmental Organisations (NGO’s), Civil Society Organisations Business chambers of commerce in Africa, and youth groups from Africa, among others.

He concluded by saying that because of Russia’s failure to involve above categories of Africans, the summit turned out to be Russia-African Leaders’ Military Summit, and a Deadly Weapons Trade Exhibition of sorts, at which Putin pocketed billions of dollars in tax payers money and foreign aid, after selling weapons that will wreck havoc and destruction in 30 African countries, in the near future.
Therefore he believes that all these multibillion deals signed at the Sochi Summit, are meaningless, since Russia only dealt with top personal contacts and authoritarian rulers, but not with institutions and common Africans or their representatives.

Alenyo thus requested African leaders to concentrate on dealing with Russia for business deals like Oil, Gas and Agriculture instead of weapons and warfare Poli-tricks which could erode Africa’s peace and independence in the near future.