Pants Down! Rubaga RCC Burora, Minister Kasolo Implicated In UGX79B Microfinance Support Corruption Scandal!

Pants Down! Rubaga RCC Burora, Minister Kasolo Implicated In UGX79B Microfinance Support Corruption Scandal!

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By Andrew Irumba

Cash Bonanza Centre

There’s an old principle that is well embedded within the judicial systems world-over that goes…..”He who comes to the temple of justice must come with clean hands’. The now former RCC Rubaga Division and Anti-corruption crusader Anderson Burora might find himself in catch 22, if what our Spy has landed on is comes to be true.

Our reliable sources at Microfinance Support Centre,a Government parastatal, on condition of anonymity have eavesdropped to us that, the now anti-corruption crusader, who even two days ago sacrificed his job for sake of fighting corruption may not be the right person to rally behind when it comes to fighting the vice. Our source claimed he’s not the right one because his hands too are dirty, with tax payers’ money! “The Burora talking loudest on top of the buildings is actually not clean himself. Him and other NRM leaning cadres used their due influence and accessed money her at Microfinance Support Centre in billions. Burora himself got shs110m, all combined, they took shs79billion. To make it simpler to your readers, Burora and team caused us here (MSC) a loss of shs79billion”, revealed the source via phone chat with our Chief Spy Andrew Irumba Katusabe last night.

This source’s revelation rhymes very well with the Auditor General’s latest report to parliament which listed over 50 powerful NRM leaning individuals who accessed tax payers’ money via backdoor, and have since gone mute on repaying the same.

Important to NOTE also is that, MSC legally doesn’t lend money to individuals. It’s mandate stops at lending to SACCOS, Micro-finance institution and small Village SACCOs or groupings. It therefore remains unclear how the anti-corruption crusader of Burora’s calibre beat up all the mitigation gates and accessed the funds.

Tough Term & Conditions Put in Place To Access Funds By Groups include;

Certified copy of registration or incorporation, Certified copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, By-Laws, Trusted Deeds etc,Certified copy of Annual returns filed to the relevant Agency eg URSB, URA, Registrar of Cooperatives and SACCOs etc, Resolution to borrow, Audited books of accounts for atleast 1 year by a certified Audit firm, Valid operating license, Clear ownership and governance structure, Collateral security fully covering the loan and interests, Bank statements ad business plan among other requirements. These stringent measures were put in place to ensure that access to the money by an individuals was be as hard as passing through a needle hole. It’s therefore not clear how Burora and team accessed the money.

Other NRM big shots who accessed money individually include;

Senior NRM mobilizer, Majambere who received a whooping 400,000,000 (shs400m), Majambere Ivan Kamuntu-125,000,000 (shs125m), Kyaterekera Stephen-212,800,000, Patricia Adongo Ojangole-167,320,000, Kyazike MillyProscovia- 4,000,000, and Lt. Achikule Nassur- 17,150,000 among others.

Burora Responds:

In an exclusive interview via phone call Mr.Burora admitted taking the money but blamed the land wrangles that engulfed the land he had acquired for piggery project in Mpigi, which hindered his project. “Yes my brother Irumba, it’s true I applied for a loan facility from MSC for a piggery project. But as soon as I started the construction of housing for the pigs, the Mpigi town council claimed that the land was theirs, yet I had bought it from another person person, and LC1 and other authorities had confirmed to me that it belonged to him. So I took them to court and the case is still in court, that’s why the project didn’t take off. But I will write to MSC to agree on new payment terms to maybe enable me pay,” Buurora said.

When asked about whether it was legally right to borrow from MSC as an individual, to begin with, Burora answered thus; “MSC has funded so many cadres, it’s not Burora alone, as you can see on that list which you have already. It’s an internal (NRM) arrangement. So they can take MSC to court not me, because I applied, I didn’t steal. They’re the ones who set the terms and conditions, my job is to satisfy their conditions. That’s not my probem”.

Burora, who once belonged to jobless brotherhood this week lost his job apparently for speaking out against corruption an accessible web community

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