By Spy Uganda
Uganda’s parliament on March 21, 2023, exercised its powers and constitutional mandate and passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 on behalf of the people of Uganda, which makes homosexuality illegal in the matooke republic.

However, Uganda’s move left gays and their supporters in panicky mode and among these includes the leader of South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, Julius Malema who cautioned President Yoweri Museveni against signing the law claiming the law is ‘inhumane and draconian’.
Malema’s shameless statements however didn’t go well with Ugandans and Pan Africanists including famous Pan African Pyramid (PAP) which has inked a statement condemning Malema’s conduct as ”contumacious and obdurate, undiplomatic, and against the established autonomous and democratic principles governing African States.”

PAP is an organization headquartered in Uganda with a vision to articulate concerted efforts geared towards promoting the true African Awakening among the black people throughout Africa and in the diaspora and galvanize inventions and innovations of African people based on its principles as an intellectual, non-partisan discussion forum, built on the pillars of Pan Africanism, patriotism and nationalism.

In a statement inked by PAP founding speaker dubbed chairman, comrade Andrew Irumba Katusabe, says ‘homosexuals like Mr Malema’ that claim to be Pan-African should find that such a vice suffers both historical and present illegitimacy, and any attempts to campaign for the same is tainted with ‘child petulance’, as the same is not backed by any Pan-African ideals and aspirations.
Irumba shared that out of 54 countries in Africa, ONLY 5 (South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, and the Republic of Seychelles) have laws that decriminalize homosexuality. ”In fact, to put it more clearly, in 2006, South Africa became the first African country to de-criminalize homosexuality.”
He says 72 out of 195 countries in the world still criminalize homosexuality and among these, in Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, homosexuality is still punishable by death under Sharia law. The same applies in parts of Somalia and Northern Nigeria. In Syria and Iraq, the death penalty against homosexuals is even carried out by non-state actors, including the Islamic State.
”America, the alleged/rumoured most democracy in the world, where the Anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, those laws are still on the books in 14 states: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. This is because some still sane conservative state legislators refused to repeal the laws, and in some cases, police occasionally still arrest suspects based on the same laws,” says Irumba adding;
”In the same Americas and the Caribbean, countries like Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and
Tobago, same-sex relations are still variously criminalized under laws covering Sodomy, buggery, and “acts against nature”. The United States and Europe are consistent trade partners with Saudi Arabia, one of the sworn objectors to Mr Malema’s much-cherished vice.”
It’s against the above background that comrade Irumba noted that Malema is certainly mobilized and facilitated by dark forces against the African entente and should pray harder that the late Nelson Mandela’s spirit, which he’s now betraying, never comes for him.
”Mr. Malema’s peers and confreres, the homosexuals, have launched a total onslaught against the vulnerable poor and children in Uganda and if Uganda’s new bill that seeks to imprison perpetrators as a corrective measure is draconian’, then where has he been to fight against the death penalty in the aforementioned countries for all this time? Could his funders have instructed him to single out Uganda for strategic economic and political reasons?,” wondered Irumba.
He adds that Malema misdirects himself on the African Union Charter on Human and Peoples Rights which doesn’t cite a single clause, but suggests, by way of rodomontades, that his utterances are guided by the same.
”That Charter forms a Human Rights Court, and both South Africans and Ugandans can’t access the same, which should have been the very concern of Mr Malema, were he an honest Human Rights activist and not a mere claimer that lives off posturing by bunco and chicanery. Ref Art 34(6) Protocol for the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights,” Pan Africanist Irumba spits venom.
According to Irumba, the charter re-emphasizes the invaluable importance of the protection of African values, cultures, traditions, and diversity.
”Homosexuality is a Negative Right and NOT one of those to seek refuge in. Africans are under no obligations whatsoever to give protection to an act that is against the order of nature and, moreover, capable of destroying our very being if practised on a large scale,” further states Irumba, ”I’m yet to find any article in the African charter that compels Africans to support anything that distorts nature. To the contrary, true Pan-Africanism teaches us to jealously protect fauna and flora at all costs, and the African charter fortunately simply reinforces that.”
Irumba says ”homosexuals belong to none of the above, and they themselves are not yet even sure of who they are, the reason they add “Q+” (queer and more to come in the future…). If Malema proves to us that he’s a product of homosexuality or that he bears children with another man, then we can think of a new category to classify his mates.”
He further states that currently, in South Africa, the biggest LGBTQ communities’ budgets go into sponsoring various groups and organizations who, in return, must champion the LGBTQ+ agenda nationally, continental, and globally. ”These include political parties, and Malema’s party EFF is allegedly one of them. This explains why the crusaders against Uganda are beginning from South Africa. It was identified as a soft spot for LGBTQ expansion in Africa.”
Irumba says the Pan-African Pyramid fraternity across the world is so thankful to the parliament of the Republic of Uganda with its top leadership and the president, His Excellency Yoweri Museveni, for standing strong with the majority, 49 other African states, in protecting Africans from the western bad influence.
”We stand with you. We call upon you to refuse intimidation by a few agents of white supremacy in Africa, hiding in black skin,” says Irumba.
He says parliament of Uganda and President Museveni, on this specific bill, are merely representing the aspirations, beliefs, and choices of 99% of Ugandans meant to uphold basic values that ought to guide and direct the attitudes and conduct of their citizenry.
Meanwhile, PAP has since tasked Malema In four days to withdraw his reckless statements that aim at administering hurray and acclaim to acts calculated to destroy procreation and the order of nature against Africa.
PAP also wants Malema to apologize to Uganda as a sovereign state, Parliament and the Ugandan people for his ”impetuous and rather foolhardy ideology, that seeks to present the same with selfish mimicry.”
Irumba says failure to do the above, Pan Africanists in Uganda will camp at South African Embassy in Kampala and protest against his actions and also compel Govt to declare Malema a persona non grata in Uganda until he respects its sovereignty.
”We shall mobilize all Pan-African groups and networks across the world to re-evaluate their cooperation with Mr.Malema on the Pan-African agenda. Africa, Don’t Agonize Organize!,” vowed Irumba a staunch and famous Pan-Africanist in Uganda.