PAP Speaker Irumba’s Condolence Message At Prof.Kajabago’s Burial That Broke Mourners Into Louder Cries From Murmurs!

PAP Speaker Irumba’s Condolence Message At Prof.Kajabago’s Burial That Broke Mourners Into Louder Cries From Murmurs!

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By Spy Uganda

”Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) and the entire Pan-African community in Uganda and across the world are in total grief for the loss of our grandfather in Pan-Africanism prof.Kajabago Ka-Rusoke Abwooli.

READ ALSO: We Will Miss Your Life-Shaping Lectures: UPDF Mourns Pan Africanist Kajabago Karusoke

The now fallen African soldier was a staunch pioneer member of Pan-African Pyramid and was very active, even more than some youthful members, in that he would only miss our weekly Friday evening PAP lectures at Fairway Hotel, only if he was at NALI lecturing or in the village for a weekend or at other National events, still championing the Pan-African cause. Otherwise professor was always with us recruiting youths from various Universities and other institutions of learning into Pan-Africanism day and night. He did all this at no cost!

Prof.would call the Speaker as early as Wednesday to know the topic for Friday so he could do his research. Very assertive and authoritative in his debates, because he had enough knowledge about the topic at hand.

READ ALSO: Update: Fallen Pan-Africanist Prof.Kajabago Karusoke Laid To Rest Today

The second week of June, on Friday morning when Professor hadn’t yet called to find out the topic for the week, I got concerned and called him. It’s then that he told me he had been admitted in Kiboga Hospital after lecturing at NALI. He revealed to me that he suspected he had got into contact with Covid-19 and that’s why he wasn’t coming for the debate that day. I called his brother Dr Otanga Rusoke, whom he had also, already introduced to the organization, he told me the same, that professor wasn’t feeling fine.

This concerned us so much but the next time I called him he said he had been transferred to Victoria Hospital in Kampala and was feeling better, but they don’t allow visitors.

READ ALSO: Grief Engulfs Pan African Pyramid Family As It Pays Tribute To Fallen Staunch Member-Professor Kajabago Karusoke

The news of his sudden death on June 14th therefore took us by surprise, because he was even discharged for some time and had only been reporting to the hospital for routine check ups and back home. I was always in touch still.

But here’s the good news! Kajabago, while alive repeatedly told us he would never die for as long as we, his new, young recruits are alive. He said it’s only his body that will go to rest but his ideology, indoctrination and aspirations for Africa will live on! This is very true. In fact, yes, we mourn him because we wanted him to stay, but we celebrate his works even now as we write this. It’s him working!

READ ALSO: Fallen Pan Africanist Professor Kajabago Karusoke To Be Given State Funeral

A strong gallant son of Africa, Kajabago dedicated all his life for an African cause, his works will continue through us.

In memory of him, the Organization will launch “Prof.Kajabago Ka-Rusoke Memorial Lecture every 14,June to rekindle our memories with him as the 1st ever recipient of PAP GLOBAL AWARD world-wide, which he received in August 2017 at the inaugural at Fairway Hotel, together with Gen Elly Tumwine.

READ ALSO: Pan Africanists In Uganda Lose One Of Their Own Prof.Kajabago Karusoke At Age 83

He remains the biggest asset and recruitment officer for Pan-Africanism in our history as an Organization. Prof Kajabago didn’t just exist as a biological volume, but lived for a purpose. Please accept our little contribution from our members passed on through the son Mr.Kituuma Rusoke. We would have loved to attend burial but covid-19 SoPs couldn’t allow us.

Rest well African soldier
Don’t Agonize_Organize!

Andrew Irumba Katusabe
PAN-AFRICAN PYRAMID” an accessible web community

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