By Peter Ssebulime
The Police in Masaka district on Sunday arrested six people suspected to be infected with the deadly Coronavirus after they sneaked into the country a few days ago from Dubai.

According to Masaka District Chairperson Jude Mbabaali, the suspects, who have since been confined in isolation, sneaked into Uganda via Tanzania and Mutukula border point, before they settled in Masaka and started doing their business. However, after receiving intelligence from concerned citizens, the police rounded up the suspects and subjected them to quarantine, although one of them escaped and is currently being hunted down so that he can be put into isolation.
Here is a statement from Chairman Mbabaali about the
Coronavirus scare in Masaka district;

Yesterday we received information that there was a Coronavirus suspected case in Kizungu, Masaka Municipality to the effect that the wife to one of our residents had stealthily sneaked in from Dubai causing a lot of anxiety among neighbours for fear that they will contract the virus.

We later received more information that actually other
6 people had stealthily sneaked into Masaka from Dubai last Friday and were in
their shops selling the merchandise they had imported from Dubai. This implied
that there was need to either cordon off their homes or shops for 14 days (the
incubation period for the virus) with no one entering/leaving or arrest them to
be quarantined.

On contacting the Director of Masaka Hospital we opted for the later and he immediately acted by designating Masaka School of Nursing as an isolation centre. He teamed up with the Masaka District Health Officer and police to arrest the said Coronavirus suspects for quarantine. Six were arrested and their body temperature was checked and this will continue on a daily basis for the next 14 days. One is still in hiding and efforts to have him arrested to be quarantined are on.
It has also come to our notice that after the closure of the borders there are people from abroad accessing Masaka and other neighbouring districts via Lake Victoria using the remote landing sites and on arrival at the landing sites, they use boda-boda motorcycles to enter the villages and mingle into the community. We have information that this is currently happening at Bbaale landing site in Kyanamukaaka sub-county. ( We have alerted the relevant authorities for action.
My appreciation goes to Dr Onyachi Nathan-Director Masaka Referral Hospital, Dr Musisi Stuart-Masaka District Health Officer, the RDC and Police for the vigilance and cooperation so far exhibited in the fight against the Coronavirus in Masaka.
Lastly, remember there’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you: Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub, Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze, avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell, Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell and don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.
In case of any suspected cases of the Corona Virus
please don’t hesitate to alert me on 0772444663 or 070244663.”