Police Boss Forced To Eat Own Vomit, Forced To Retract Own Directives On Closure Of Two Local Sports Betting Companies

Police Boss Forced To Eat Own Vomit, Forced To Retract Own Directives On Closure Of Two Local Sports Betting Companies

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By Andrew Irumba

The top leadership of Uganda Police has forced its Deputy Director of Crime Investigations at CID headquarters Kibuli to retract his earlier instructions ordering the sadden closure of two locally owned Home Bet Uganda and Game Bet.

SCP Obwona Joseph on Thursday penned down an order commanding all DPCs and RPCs across the country to close and clamp down all betting activities by Home Bet and Game Bet in their area of jurisdiction.

He didn’t end there, he promised them that whoever implemented the said instructions would be ‘heavily rewarded’ in a way of facilitation for doing their constitutional work!

However, TheSpy Uganda’s snoop who eaves dropped the hot meeting held on Friday in Deputy IGP’s office told this reporter that afande Obwona was put to task to explain the source of the ‘facilitation’ he had promised to pay all the enforcement officers across the country after the operation. According to the snoop, afande was also tasked to explain the circumstances as to why he would facilitate the said operation outside the police budget.

After clearly and flatly failing to even defend 1% of his total actions, the deputy IGP Brig.Muzei Sabiiti tasked afande Obwona to swallow his own pride and write another directing contradicting himself in which he MUST cancel his earlier directive.

“No other person is suitable to cancel your earlier communication other than you, yourself,” Muzei was quoted saying.

“Following the enforcement of laws on the above companies, a complaint was raised about the conduct of the enforcement and in a meeting held this morning 15th December 2018 in the office of the Deputy Inspector General of Police, it was decided that we halt the operation against Home Bet and Gamebet for the time being. The purpose of this communication is therefore to direct you to halt the enforcement and permit them to operate until ordered otherwise,” said part of Obwona’s latest communication to all DPCs and RPCs across the country. (https://www.christophechoo.com/)

Sfande Obwona Joseph’s letter canceling his own earlier directive where he ordered the closure of all Home Bet and Game Bet branches across country on Thursday.

According to managing director Home Bet Mr. Emmy Makuma Namulunyi, International betting companies are plotting the demise of the local companies using state agents especially police and the Gaming licencing and regulatory board.

He acknowledged that the plott started way back through the very agency that regulates their activities, The National Gaming Board when they started changing rules in the middle of the ‘game’.

“Can you imagine that these guys of the regulatory board just woke up from the blue one day and changed rules of the game? They increased license fees from Shs5m to Shs20m, minimum capital was pushed to Shs 250m, bond money (money you deposit in the bank to use as guarantee) changed from Shs200m to Shs 500m, each branch used to pay Shs100, 000/= but now for each branch you open they charge Shs one million, inspection fees to each branch is now at one million! And they now want to inspect almost daily, because they know they will have a million Shs daily,” Namulunyi decried during the press conference on Thursday at their head offices on Mabirizi plaza in Kampala.

Namulunyi said that now one needs one billion shillings cash money to start the business. He said this was a grand plan choreographed by the international companies through the local regulators to kick them out of the market as they siphons all moneys to their respective countries, leaving Uganda more poorer, Namulunyi observed.

“How do you tell me that I should have one billion to start this business as a local Ugandan? It’s a plan to kick locals out, but unfortunately the foreign companies are using our very own brothers against us,” he said.

Among other new rules issued by the gaming board; one has to register every customer that comes to bet, you’re not allowed to operate near markets, churches, mosques and schools.

Having smelt a rat, the directors of the local company ran to constitutional court to contest some of the actions of the governing board and on 4th May 2015 successfully secured an injunction stopping police and other agencies from interfering with their normal works until the main application of the matter is disposed of.

They were however caught pants down on Thursday when Police swung into action and closed over 65 branches of their branches country wide and announced a crackdown on them till they go down, accusing them of operating without operation licence contrary to the lotteries and gaming Act 2016.

The two companies have been employing over 500 workers across the country.

However, according to the managing director for Home Bet Mr. Emmy Makuma Namulunyi, money exchanged hands between the foreign multi-billion gaming companies and some individuals of Uganda police to witch hunt and foil the local investors in the game.

During a press conference on Thursday at their offices on Mabirizi plaza, Namulunyi said there has always been foul play by the international players through the Gaming board and police, and that they are aware money has been exchanging hands.

“The whole deputy director criminal investigations/CID SCP Obwona Joseph communicated in his letter he wrote that those DPCs who implement this operation would be ‘facilitated’, he was very clear. There has never been any operation by Uganda police where they promise ‘facilitation’ after the operation,” he observed.

In his letter written to all DPCs, RPCs, commander KMP, SCP Joseph promised to facilitate all those who would implement the directive.

“You’re therefore directly to immediately identify the locations of the above operators in your immediate localities and order for their closure and prosecutions using the provision of the law quoted.

Assign a team of officers in your areas to enforce this law and report progress. The team will be provided with facilitation upon successful completion of work,” read part of Obwana’s letter.

Obwona’s letter promising ‘facilitation’ to DPCs after the operation which he has now withdrawn.

Meanwhile, on Thursday Mr.Namulunyi presented an injunction order before journalists obtained on 4thMay 2015 by constitutional court stopping police and all other Gov’t organs from interfering with the legal works of the company until the main application No.09 of 2015 is disposed of.

“We make reference to your letter dated 11th December 2018 directing the closure of our client’s premises in Uganda.

As you are aware, our clients’ right to operate as gaming and sport betting entities arises from a court order that was issued by the constitutional court of Uganda. We draw your attention to a letter dated 17thJanuary 2018 where in the DPPs advised Uganda police to stay all investigations into our client’s affairs pending the outcome of the Constitutional petition No.51 of 2017. (a copy of the letter is attached for ease of reference).

I’m sure you appreciate the grave financial and legal consequences of acting in the fragrant violations of our client’s rights and/or contrary to the advice that has been issued by the office of the director of public prosecutions.

Our client reserves the right to institute proceedings against you personally for any violations that may arise as a result of your actions and/or directions.

There shall be no further notice, Dinah Mukasa,” read part of the letter.

Court order that was allegedly ignore by police

According to Section 26 of the Casino, Gaming and Betting Licence, a Person shall not establish or operate a casino or machine without a licence issued under this act.

Also read….http://www.spyuganda.com/international-sports-betting-companies-cited-in-illegal-closure-of-local-competitors/….http://www.spyuganda.com/international-sports-betting-companies-cited-in-illegal-closure-of-local-competitors/



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