Police Cancel Bobi Wine Boxing Day Musical Show, Clears Nemesis Bebe Cool!

Police Cancel Bobi Wine Boxing Day Musical Show, Clears Nemesis Bebe Cool!

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By Andrew Irumba

Kyadondo East Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine’s boxing day musical show at his Busabala Beach has been cancelled by police.

His show which was slated to take place today December 26th 2018 (Boxing Day) was, according to Police’s spokesperson SSP Emilian Kayima cancelled due to Bobi Wine’s failure to heed to security measures and other regulatory requirements.

While appearing on NBS Television this morning, Kayima confirmed that the show wouldn’t take place because they (police) hadn’t cleared it by the time he entered studios.

SSP Emilian Kayima during the morning show on NBS where he confirmed Bobi Wine’s Show had been cancelled by Police.

“I only know Kiwatule show (for Bebe Cool) has been cleared, I’m not aware of that of Busabala,” Emilian said when asked by the moderator Simon Kaggwa Njala to clear the air on the status of the show.

In the wee hours of the morning, Bobi went on his social media platform and disclosed how security forces had cordoned off the beach and ordered all his workers to vacate place.

This comes just a few days after Parliament passed a resolution declaring that blocking Bobi Wine’s music shows is unconstitutional and should be stopped.

Read Bobi Wine’s message he shared on his Facebook page bellow….

We will keep you posted on all the developments on this story.

“Earlier today, a Christmas music show that had been cleared by the police at Ggaba beach was immediately disrupted and blocked by soldiers and police the moment they learnt that I was one of the artistes going to perform.

A few minutes past midnight today, hordes of soldiers have been dropped by military trucks in Busabala. They have surrounded my premises at One Love Beach, where we were organising a Boxing Day show later today.

They have ordered the stage and sound engineers to bring down the stage and pull down all materials we had put in place for the show. They have arrested my employees including the kitchen staff and all the people who were preparing to sell merchandise at the show. They have sent away our guests who were lodging at the Beach tonight and ordered all people out of the premises. As we speak, the premises are completely cordoned off as if it’s a crime scene!! I’ve not stopped receiving calls from my staff and neighbors who are in too much fear, as these actions are being carried out in the deep of the night.

They are doing this despite Parliament’s resolution last week declaring that blocking my shows is unconstitutional, has no basis in law, and should be stopped forthwith”.

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