President Museveni Appoints 16 Judges Of High Court Into Judicial Service

President Museveni Appoints 16 Judges Of High Court Into Judicial Service

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By Spy Uganda

HE.Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has appointed in acting capacity 16 judges of the high court into the Judiciary Service-TheSpy Uganda reports.

Among those appointments in new positions, include Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate Douglas Karekona Singiza who came into the limelight recently while handling tortured novelist Kakwenza Rukirabashaija’s court case. Kakwenza fled to Europe after he was granted bail.

According to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) seven of the 16 newly appointed judges are male while nine are female.

“H.E. the President of Uganda has appointed in acting capacity 16 judges of the high court into the Judiciary Service,” says JSC in a press statement.

Below Is A List Of Appointed Judges

  1. Ikit Mary
  2. Dr. Singiza Douglas Karekona
  3. Matovu Nassuna Flavia
  4. Samuel Emokor
  5. Susan Kanyange
  6. Namanya Bernard
  7. Patricia Kahingi Asiimwe
  8. Ocaya Thomas Ojele Rubanga
  9. Christine Kaahwa
  10. Patricia Mutesi
  11. Okello George
  12. Bukirwa Faridah
  13. Magala Harriet Grace
  14. Acellam Collins
  15. Nagawa Celia
  16. Nshimye Allan Paul Mbabazi an accessible web community

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