Relief As President Museveni Finally Lifts Curfew For Boda Bodas

Relief As President Museveni Finally Lifts Curfew For Boda Bodas

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By Spy Uganda

Kampala: President Yoweri Museveni has lifted the curfew for the boda boda operators that has been in place since 2020.

The move comes a month after the country eased Covid-19 measures including reopening of schools, bars, nightclubs, and open market operation.

Museveni said on Sunday through his Twitter account that boda boda operators will start night operations from Monday evening.

“Starting tomorrow at 6pm, Boda Boda riders can work trans night like all others,” Museveni said.

He, however, warned them from engaging in criminal activities, saying that the government will come up with measures to curb the vice.

“I know that they are some wrong elements using Boda Bodas for crimes but we shall deal with them in another way other than curfew.”

The curfew had barred boda boda riders from operating at 6 pm.

In October, he announced the resumption of learning by January, whether people will go for the doses or not, adding that the moral responsibility will be in their hands.

“I am here telling all Ugandans that vaccines for all frontline workers are now available. Walk to the health centre, be carried by bazukulu, and go by bicycle.” an accessible web community

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