Security Operatives Arrest Iganga Teenager Suspected To Be ADF Rebel

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By Spy Uganda

Security operatives have arrested a teenager in Iganga said to be between 15 – 20yrs old, on suspicion of being an ADF rebel group agent.

This has been revealed by the Busoga East Regional Police Commander, SSP Asiimwe Samuel who says after the arrest of the suspect, a search was carried out at his house and an assortment of items related to bomb making were recovered.

”We found items like iron bars, some wires and other materials use in making of improvised explosive devices,” says Asiimwe.

The suspect is also reported to have been found with, radio call installations and other ammunition, hidden in a pit latrine.

Asiimwe says that the suspect is linked to a number of terrorist incidents that have taken place across the country, especially attacks on police installations and private security organizations.

He said investigations into the matter are still ongoing but urged the public to always be vigilant and report any suspicious individual immediately to the authorities.

The ADF are a rebel group that was originally based in Uganda but has expanded to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In the past few months, the group, branded a terrorist group, has been linked to several attacks in eastern DRC and in Uganda, pushing Kampala and Kinshasa to form a joint operation to flash them out, a move that has registered little success. an accessible web community

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