Shameless Greedy Tooro Queen Mother Kemigisa Drags 80yr Old ‘Mad Man’ To Court After Failing To Forcefully Evict Him!

Shameless Greedy Tooro Queen Mother Kemigisa Drags 80yr Old ‘Mad Man’ To Court After Failing To Forcefully Evict Him!

By Spy Uganda

Fort Portal: An old adage says that too much greed can blind a man and block his nose from smelling anything. That could very well explain the scenario you’re about to read below.

Although almost all the previous kings would give free land to their loyal subjects, Tooro Queen mother Best Kemigisa Akiiki is reportedly even taking away the little from her subjects.

Last month we broke the news of the arrest of three UPDF bodyguards assigned to ‘greedy and controversial’ Tooro Kingdom Queen mother, Best Kemigisa Akiiki after she allegedly commanded them to illegally evict the 80yr old John Masiko, who not only was born on the controversial land but also buried his parents and other relatives on it.

Sued! Mr John Masiko Whose Small Piece Of Land Is Badly Wanted By Queen Mother

Now, the latest coming in indicates that after the Queen Mother was thrown into shame by her fraudulent acts by area leaders, including her long time nemesis, Joram Bintamanya (O’gwekyoma), she has decided to drag the seemingly ‘insane’ mzee to court with an aim of intimidating him with court documents so he can flee off his land located in Kitumba, Ngombe A, Fort Portal City.

According to court documents seen by this publication, the Queen mother accuses Masiko of illegally using her land without any consent from the Kingdom.

”The respondent [Masiko] without the knowledge and consent of the applicant [Queen Mother] has started pouring construction material on the suit land with an intention of building a permanent house thereon. The applicant seeks to preserve a status quo by preventing further acts of trespass till the determination of the main suit,” partially reads Court notice.

For a couple of years, Tooro Kingdom has been defined as a scandalous Kingdom due to its endless battles most of these related to land matters, most of which are being commanded by Queen mother herself, most times using security personnel attached to her.

The Queen mother and her son King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, have always been accused of;

1-Evicting poor people from the land with impunity
2-Conniving with Gov’t to change kingdom properties into King Oyo and trying to compensate him as an individual.
3-Using impunity against their subjects on Kingdom land.
4-Failure to respect Tooro elders’ forum’s resolutions led by Prof Edwards Rugumayo on peaceful co-existence
5-Failure to respect religious leaders’ resolutions led by the Bishops among others.

Key among the mega scandals is when Best Kemigisa and her son in 2012 tried to grab tycoon Allan Bright Kagoro’s land before he dragged them to court and won the case. Although Allan win the case several years now, the kingdom administration ignored court ruling and denied Allan possession of the land which he won through Court. Infact, they went ahead and enclosed the said piece of land in their perimeter wall recently in order to permanently block him from accessing it.

Also, very recently , the King and his mother were exposed when they tried to change the Hostel along Kasese-Fort Portal road, opp. Kabarole hospital from the Kingdom ownership into personal property a deal that ignited fire in the kingdom until it was foiled by a group of Batooro…for the sake of your precious time we can reserve other scandals until next time. an accessible web community

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