By Micheal Atwakiire
Sheema district councilors at the end of last week suspended their clerk to council Daniel Tashobya over the incompetence in his work.

Elidard Mwesigye, the Councillor LCV Kasaana sub-county moved a motion in the district council saying that their clerk to council Tashobya doesn’t qualify to hold that position.
He added that Tashobya doesn’t know how to write minutes for council meetings, doesn’t know how to copy the correct spellings of the councilors’ named , doesn’t respect councilors, among other things.

While defending his points , Mwesigye asked councilors to read through the previous council meeting minutes whereby they found out that most of the resolutions and minutes were missing and that the format of writing was below the belt.

Jackson Musinguzi, the Councillor representing people with disabilities at the district, seconded the motion,vsaying that “We delayed to suspend this clerk to council. We should have suspended him last year. being a son of Sam Kahindi a stakeholder, he thinks that he is untouchable.

“He doesn’t respect councilors first of all ,in the last council meeting he ordered me to handover the microphone to the sergeant at arms and sit down; remember I was talking on issues affecting the people I represent. He is soon abducting our speaker. I once looked into the council minutes he wrote, I was shocked,” Musinguzi said.
The councillors asked the Sheema district Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Davis Dembe Beyeza to interdict Tashobya with immediate effect and to look for another clerk to council, and that in the next council which will sit in the forthcoming two weeks , they need a new clerk to council.
However we tried to talk to Tashobya for a comment about the matter but he refused .
Sheema district Chairman David Kabigumira said that this wasn’t the right time to suspend the clerk to council, arguing that they were supposed to advise him on what to do. Remember, Tashobya is among the civil servants who are alleged to have got the job under shady circumstances.