Sheema Voters Demonstrate Against Elioda Victory As Bukedde Reporter Is Assaulted

Sheema Voters Demonstrate Against Elioda Victory As Bukedde Reporter Is Assaulted

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By Micheal Bitunga

Police from Kabwohe Police station found hard time calming down the situation in Kabwohe town where voters were demonstrating against Hon Elioda Tumwesigye’s victory in the recent elections that took place on Friday 27th July 2018 saying that they weren’t free and fair.

However,some people blamed the police saying that they were the root cause of the whole quagmire.

Police at first blocked all Bodaboda riders who were gathering at Sheema hall play ground in Kabwohe with their former candidate Ms. Plan Virginia Mugyenyi from going back to town where they work from. But what angered Virginia’s supporters was that Elioda’s Bodaboda supporters who didn’t attend Virginia’s consultations meeting were allowed into the ground.

“Why are you arresting my people, what have they done?,we were in a consultation gathering and we have finished it ,they are now going back to their work places  but you are blocking them, have you chased them from the town because of not supporting your government ” Virginia questioned police. Whereas police insisted that she didn’t have permission to hold such gathering,Virginia said she had clearance from them(police).

All these annoyed other traders who then started throwing stones, hipping various containers and stones in the middle of the roads which forced police to start beating whoever they found on their ways. It took two hours for the police to calm down the situation.

Bukedde Reporter Arrested

During the scuffle that ensued between Elioda and Virginia’s supporters, Elioda’s supporters swung into action and took the law into their hands, there by arresting and assaulting a Bukedde news  reporter Ddamba wisely who was capturing the ugly scenes of the aftermath of Sheema elections. Powerful Elioda’s supporters dragged the helpless journalist from the scene to Elioda’s ICOBI NGO offices and held him for hours.

On the day of the elections, Ddamba was beaten by Mr Amanya Jordan who is a sub county chief of Rugarama Sub County Sheema District. an accessible web community

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