Shock As General Gutti Is Fleeced Of Ugx 180M!

Shock As General Gutti Is Fleeced Of Ugx 180M!

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By our reporter

The Kampala metropolitan police are investigating the circumstances under which a senior army officer,a whole General at that, was conned of colossal sums of money worth one hundred Eighty million shillings (180M)!

According to police file case number SD 16/28/08/2018 filed at central police station Kampala, Lt.Gen. Andrew Gutti, Chairman of the Military Court martial reported a case of obtaining money by false Pretence by one Odongo John Baptist.

Meanwhile,it has been established by impeccable sources within security that actually Odongo is Gen.Gutti’s relative who has been managing his (Gutti) hotel in Gulu.

Lt.Gen.Andrew Gutti, in his statement at police, he noted that Odongo John Baptist was supposed to pay him five million per month but has never made any payments for the period of 36 months, but he didn’t mention details of the transactions for which he was entitled to the said money, though our sources confirmed from a separate source.

Odongo was arrested from Arua Park where he operates his business and is currently detained at central police station Kampala pending transport to Moroto where the case originated.

TheSpy Uganda will keep you posted on all the developments on this matter…. an accessible web community

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