By Spy Uganda
Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces in Somalia serving under African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) have conducted activities in commemoration of the 42nd Tarehe Sita in Mogadishu and Ceeljaale regions of Somalia.

In Mogadishu, UPDF Contingent Commander Brig Gen Peter Gaetano Omola who led the troops to clean Marina Market said, “UPDF values the local population as key to its success, that’s why we are carrying out these activities to give back to you the community as a way of appreciating the support you have always rendered to us, without you we can’t do much.”
He further thanked them, particularly for their important role in partnering with ATMIS forces to defeat Alshabaab, and urged them to maintain the spirit.

The Chairman of Marina market Abdallah Mohamed Ali appreciated the great work of cleaning the market by UPDF as a sign of love and respect UPDF has for the people of Somalia.

“I have grown into an old man but I have never seen or heard of an army that respects the local population like UPDF. I am a living testimony to this and I have the trust and confidence that Alshabaab propagandists will be defeated completely, we shall continue to support you for this justified cause,” said Abdullah Ali.

Another activity conducted was also a medical outreach.
In Ceeljaale, troops of Battle Group 37 marked Tarehe Sita festivals by cleaning Ceeljaale market, Fiqi primary and secondary school, and Almunye primary school.
Col Charles Kibaate Asiimwe, the Battle Group Commander headed the exercise and appreciated the population in Ceeljaale for the support they have rendered to UPDF and Somali Security Forces that has helped flush out Alshabaab in the area.
District Commissioner Marka Mr. Mohamed Osman Musa congratulated UPDF up on its 42nd Tarehe Sita and pledged full support.
Also present in Ceeljaale was SNA commander for Ceeljaale battalion Maj Abdukadir Munye among others.