By Spy Uganda
Spy Uganda’s chief Executive Officer, Andrew Irumba Katusabe Ateenyi aka “poor mutooro” is at cloud 9 after his son Alituha Aaron Araali came in grade one in the just released Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) UNEB results.

Aaron officially picked his results on Monday from his school St Julian High School- Gayaza compass in company of his dad Irumba and family friend Allan Kagoro commonly known as Tycoon Allan of Allan Resort Fort Portal, who drove from Fort Portal on Sunday evening to join the family Monday morning.
Aaron With Tycoon Allan Kagoro At School After Receiving His Results

Aaron, who has already picked his admission form from the same school for his A’level which begins March, 5th said he will be offering PAM/ICT (Physics, Art and Math/ Information Communication Technology).

While receiving his admission, which was handed over to him by A’ level DoS, Katerega Mark, who doubles as Entrepreneurship teacher, Aaron pledged to come in 1st grade in his A’levels exams come 2024. “Now that I’m reducing subjects to focus on few few means my concentration levels on those few will be unparalleled, compared to when I had multiple of them at 0’level,” he added.

Unlike his sister Ayebale Esther Adelyn who jumped from P4 to P7 to compensate the two years of COVID-19 lock down, Aaron lost two years. “I would be going to university now, because, if it wasn’t the two years I lost in COVID-19 lockdown, I was supposed to have sat for A’level last year not 0’level,” explained the 16 yr old. (Xanax)
Aaron looks forward to being a computer wizard after studies.
Meanwhile, Aaron before he departed the school in the evening, he cut a cake with classmates who had come to celebrate their achievements together.
Pictorial Of Aaron With Classmates At School