His Tales Part 11
By Andrew Irumba

Yesterday,in our first story, we narrated how a state house operative Moses Agaba almost paid the price through ‘stage managed accident’ for arresting two suspects while collecting blood and soil samples at night at late AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi’s murder scene in Kulambiro, a Kampala suburb. Today, quoting the victim, we take you through the accident theory;
Agaba left Kampala to join his family for X-mas in Lyantonde-Masaka on 22 December 2017 in X-mas mood, and his family eagerly waited for him, never knowing what would befall his life along the journey.

He met his fate around Mpigi, an Isuzu sand truck number UAY 344 came straight targeting driver’s seat (he could see it in his mind, he said) and just as anticipated, aimed at him. Agaba had to think hard in two seconds to safe his life. He jumped from the driver’s seat to co-driver’s seat in micro seconds! Unfortunately, his legs had not yet fully shifted. The truck came straight and crashed them, and then he was squeezed against the road side pole, there breaking his hands too. The truck driver, knowing he had ‘finished’ him took to the heels leaving Agaba shuttered in his Toyota mark 11 no.UAQ 927Q wreckage!

Apart from the civilians who were on the road side, Fred Yigga was the first police officer to arrive at the accident scene (remember he is the one who transported the suspects with Agaba from Kulambiro to IGP’s Office)and drove Agaba to Mpigi hospital.
Agaba Transferred to Nsambya:
When Yigga dropped Agaba at Mpigi Hopsital, they said they couldn’t manage his condition and sought an ambulance and drove him to Nsambya Hospital after giving him first aid. At Nsambya, he was charged Shs.25m for bones operation and fixing metals inside his legs. After two months at Nsambya with no significant change, Agaba sought an x-ray examination from another facility, it was then that he was told the metals were wrongly fixed and his bones would never re-join, he required another operation. They told him it was wrong for the metals to be fixed inside the flesh rather than placing them from outside the flesh. Prior to all that, the two months Agaba spent at Nsambya, he narrated that he would receive strange ‘visitors’ of purporting to be investigating the circumstances on how he got involved into accident and how he ended up at Nsambya, he became suspicious. Agaba had to run away from Nsambya to CORSU for afresh operation loosing shs.25m at Nsambya. At CORSU, Agaba was asked to pay Shs.13m for afresh operation! It’s now three weeks since it was done successfully and he said he was getting better.
State House Yet to Help On Hospital Bills:
Although Agaba was on national duty, neither state house nor police have come out to help him on the hospital bills that are surging every day at CORSU Hospital. His relatives looking after him told this reporter that he wrote to H.E the president for assistance but his letter was foiled along the way, never to reach Muzei. “Muzei is not even aware of his dilemma, because they frustrated all means to let him aware yet he was on state duties and almost lost his life” his care taker at the hospital told this reporter.
To be continued tomorrow……
Tomorrow I tell you how police intentionally prosecuted a wrong person to kill the case and finally released the truck, but Agaba used other networks and netted the right driver who knocked him and confessed! What Happened then?…..tomorrow.
For those willing to help him, his personal mobile no.is 0772-405360. He is at CORSU Hospital Ward, room no.4