By Spy Uganda
Police on Thursday warned funeral service companies against using sirens on their vans, saying they are not part of the emergency service providers.

“Such vehicles will be impounded if found on roads, Luke Owoyesigyire,” Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson revealed yesterday.

“Sirens are only used by emergency vehicles. The funeral service cars are not part of these. If they are doing so, they are doing it illegally,” he added.

This was also confirmed by the Assistant Commissioner of Police Charles Ssebambulidde, who noted that funeral homes vehicles cause confusion with that of the emergency vehicles. Police said their service of transporting the dead is not an emergency, and as such, does not allow them a right of way.

“Yes, we honour the dead and transport them decently, but transportation of a dead person is not an emergency. An emergency is all about saving a life. They don’t have right of way and drivers at all times must drive within the rules and regulations of traffic,” Ssebambulidde said.
According to Uganda’s constitution, it’s only the President, his deputy and those used by the forces, ambulances, motor vehicles of armed forces and others that may be chosen by the Minister by statutory order to make use of sirens and strobe lights to make their way through traffic.
Earlier this year, the police kicked off a crackdown on cars with illegal sirens and more than 100 vehicles have since been impounded and owners were forced to uninstall them.