By Hanning Mbabazi
Bududa: Ministry of Health officially announced the news of a Cholera outbreak in Bududa. According to the ministry, three suspected cases have been identified, and are currently admitted in an isolated ward at Bukigai Health Centre II.

“No death rates confirmed” Mr. Emmanuel Ainebyona, the health ministry spokesperson confirmed the development.
The three suspected cases reported originated from a community that has already been devastated by landslides. This echoes an earlier report by the Red Cross Society which first raised an alarm on the outbreak of Cholera in May this year.
However, at the time, the health ministry said that none of the people close to the victim appeared to have been infected by the disease.

In 2017, more than four Cholera outbreaks were reported in the districts of Kween, Kampala, Bulambuli, Mbale and Hoima. In September 2018, the government launched a National Cholera Vaccination campaign that aimed to vaccinate over one million people in Cholera-prone areas.

Cholera is an infection caused by bacteria and it affects the intestines. The main symptoms include; (watery stool) diarrhoea and vomiting. This may result in dehydration and in severe cases a greyish-bluish skin. Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated with faeces.