To Hell! We Will Serve God Not Your Interests-Church Of Uganda Officially Breaks Tires With Canterbury Over LGBTQ!

To Hell! We Will Serve God Not Your Interests-Church Of Uganda Officially Breaks Tires With Canterbury Over LGBTQ!

By Spy Uganda

Church of Uganda Archbishop, the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu has furiously told off his bosses in Canterbury to give homosexuality orders to only the Church of England but not dare pass them to the Ugandan believers.

Kaziimba, furious like never before, spit the venom on Friday while addressing the press about Church of England’s decision to bless same-sex unions.

Kaziimba’s anger was ignited by the General Synod of the Church of England (their top governing body) meeting on Thursday where they passed several resolutions among them including allowing clergy to preside at blessings of same-sex Unions and have approved supplemental prayers and liturgies for such occasions.

The man of God says with the above moves, the devil has already departed the Church of England from the Bible.

“First, from the first page of the Bible in the book of Genesis to the last page of the Bible in the book of Revelation, it is clear that God’s design for human flourishing is that we are part of a family – a family that is defined as one man and one woman united in holy matrimony for life and, God willing, a union that produces children. God’s Word has said that the only context for sexual relationships is in the context of a marriage of one man and one woman,” Kazimba preaches.

He furiously added; “We all know the story of the Uganda Martyrs, how they refused to engage in homosexual sex with their leaders. They stood firm in their Christian faith and were martyred for it. We cannot betray them or our Lord Jesus Christ. We will not betray the Word of God or His ways. The Bible tells us that Jesus alone is “the way, the truth, and the life,” and that he is the same “yesterday, today, and forever.” we cannot serve God and mammon. We cannot serve God and money. Jesus does not change his mind about what is sinful. Instead, Jesus gives us a way out of bondage to sin by putting our trust and faith in him as our Saviour and Lord. That’s why it’s possible for us to “Go, and sin no more,” he added.

Part Of Kaziimba’s Press Statement

Kaziimba alerted the children of God that although the Church of England, together with the Episcopal Church in America, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church in Wales, the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, and other provinces have walked away from the true doctrine of the bible, Church of Uganda will remain on the core doctrine of the Bible even if it remains alone in Anglican Communion.

“If they want to take their whole church into the belly of a whale, they are free to do that; we are, after all, autonomous Anglican Provinces. We think it’s a bad idea, but they are free to do it. But, they are NOT free to drag the whole Anglican Communion with them. The Anglican Communion is NOT an extension of the Church of England. The Church of England has departed from the Anglican faith and are now false teachers. We fear Jesus’ words for them, “If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” (Rev 2.5b) It’s that serious,” he said.

Kaziimba, a worth celebrating man of God cautioned the parents and guardians to be aware of the well-funded Gay organizations that are recruiting children into homosexuality; not only in Kampala, but all over the country especially in poor communities.

”To our youth – if someone invites you to a function and offers you a big transport refund, those are probably bad people. Say “No” to it. And, if you have already been exploited or abused by such groups, please go to your Bishop for prayer, support, and guidance. You will be received with love and compassion.

”To our Head Teachers – if an organization is bringing money and resources to your school, or inviting your students to a function, do your research. Make sure you know who they really are.”

My fellow Ugandans – we cannot serve God and mammon. We cannot serve God and money. Do not lose your soul because you think you will gain the whole world through the money they offer you. Do not think you can take the money, but not fall into their trap. It’s a lie; you are being exploited with that money.”

Kaziimba added, ”The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” So, just say, “No.” I am here today to declare, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

The House of Bishops is united on this. The Provincial Assembly is united on this – “As for me and the Church of Uganda, we will serve the Lord.” To God be the glory!” an accessible web community

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