Michael Atwakiire
Sheema: Lauben Buherezo, 72 years, a resident of Nyakibeere 2, Kasaana sub-county Sheema district is accused of allegedly swindling money for Nyakibeere 2 Mweziikye group totaling to Shs1.57M.

Buherezo has been serving as the treasurer of the above mentioned SACCO for three years. However, it is said that since he became the treasurer, the SACCO started backsliding in savings until members decided to force him out of the office, whereby out of 213 members, 198 voted him out. Naboth Byanyima, the secretary for the above mentioned group told us that “Buherezo and his old secretary have been having the conflicts whereby everyone wanted to keep the money the SACCO.” He added that “When we counted books, we realised that Shs1.57M is missing and that when we asked the treasurer Mzee Buherezo, he told us that he used the money for other things.”

Yosam Katukore, the Chairman of the SACCO said that “We had given him an ultimatum of 14 days to have handed over the office but it is now over a month. He is still insisting on not leaving office until the Holy Spirit tells him to leave and whoever tries to reach him, he (Buherezo) fights them.” One of his victims is Byagagaire Charles, a member of the SACCO. This reporter tried his level best to reach Buherezo at his home in Nyakibeere, but as soon as he saw him, he unleashed dogs on the reporter. Members told us that in case one of the members dies, they instead hire saucepans, plates and other things to use at the burial ceremony plus being charged extra money for burial preparations, yet they bought the same utensils and kept them with Buherezo but they disappeared in thin air. Edward Mwerebere, the Chairman LC one Nyakibeere II, said that members of Mweziikye have already reported the case to his office and that Buherezo will be charged with fraud and embezzlement.