By Ronaldo N Kalangi
Herbert Ziiwa and Ronald Muwanga, Ntv journalists who were arrested by security operatives on Monday evening covering Arua Municipality by-elections have been charged with inciting violence and malicious damage.
The two spent a night in Arua central police station cells while their work gadgets were confiscated by president’s security (SFC) and police .

After the media organisations’ intervention, OC CID Arua police charged the two and released them on bond under file no 3441,3442/2018.
Mean while, the Independent Candidate Kassiano Wadri , MPs Paul Mwiru, Gerald Karuhanga all spent the night incarcerated. ”
“Hon Zaake was beaten, kicked and whisked away like a criminal. Right now, a heavy military convoy is headed to all parts of Arua typical of a war-zone,” independent sources told this reporter on phone. (

Bobi Wine is still locked up in an unknown location while military has been deployed all over Arua.

Our sources confirmed that Bobi Wine’s brother, chairman Nyanzi was beaten to pulp and is
being treated in a nearby hospital with military personnel deployed at the door.