Tycoon Sudhir Boosts PAP X-Mas With Refugees Project With Cash Donation

Tycoon Sudhir Boosts PAP X-Mas With Refugees Project With Cash Donation

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By Frank Kamuntu 

“I receive and share out to the needy”, is a phrase that renowned city tycoon Sudhir Rupaleria is trying to fulfill with his generous heart.

After hearing  that members of the Pan-African Pyramid (PAP) are running the ‘Christmas With Nakivale Refugees 2019’ campaign, City tycoon Dr.Sudhir Ruparelia and his son Rajiv Ruparelia, under their foundation-Ruparelia Foundation have decided to boost their acts of generosity by donating lots of several goodies that will be enjoyed by refugees at Nakivale Refugee camp this festive season. The Ruparelias have contributed two million shillings to enable team buy several goodies for the refugees so they could enjoy the festive season with the rest of the world.

Our sources revealed that Sudhir has been following PAP annual projects and  was eagerly waiting for the  ‘X-mas With Refugees’ program and when PAP members started collecting donations from various Ugandans, he also expressed he also made a call to PAP speaker Andrew Irumba Katusabe and declared his contribution as has his been the norm every December.

“I think it’s a good thing and right calling to share with the less priveledged. Both as a family and company we have strong belief in helping such communities. That’s pricisely why you saw us launch the construction of sanitation facilities in Kamwokya ghettos last week, same beliefs,” Rajiv Ruparelia,the group’s Managing Director told PAP speaker on phone on Monday.

But this is not the first time Dr Sudhir is reaching out to help PAP members.  

It should be remembered that the Ruparelia foundation also sponsored this  year’s PAP Global Awards which expresses their big interest in promotion of Pan-Africanism.

Sudhir is the chairman and majority shareholder in companies under the Ruparelia Group comprising of banks, insurance, education institutions, broadcasting, real estate, floriculture , hotels, resorts,among others.

He has always given out donations to different categories of life strugglers including orphanage homes, street children, patients in hospitals, people with disabilities, the elderly, the Chimpanzee, among others.

With just only 8 days left for the journey to   Nakivale Refugee Camp, the PAP Team has already visited various Kampala Markets including Owino and Nakawa, where they managed to collect a variety of clothes  and various donations including food stuffs, scholastic materials, home appliances to mention but a few that will be delivered on to the refugees on December 20, 2019.

Several of the people who gave PAP members donations commended all Ugandans who have showed love to the refugees by availing them an opportunity to enjoy Christmas like all other people in the world, despite their predicaments.

 As such, all able Ugandans who can donate anything that change of at least one refugee at Nakivale Refugee camp are  encouraged to donate.

Some of the donations PAP collects for refugees include tangible stuff like household items, scholastic materials, food, clothes, shoes, and other basic needs  for refugees. They also need money contributions to enable them hire transport and the welfare of the team that travel over night to the refugee camps.

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