UCC Warns Media Houses, On-line Media On Broadcasting Standards

UCC Warns Media Houses, On-line Media On Broadcasting Standards

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By Andrew Irumba

Kampala: The Uganda Communications Commission has issued a stern warning to all media houses, to wit print, radio, TV plus social media bloggers, website owners and all online media users to desist from broadcasting information that will land them in trouble.
The UCC issued this warning in a press statement released Monday April 29th, 2019,which states that all people found culpable are liable to prosecution.

“ The Uganda Communications Commission warned and reminded all Broadcasters of the need to comply with Section 31 and Schedule 4 of the Uganda Communications Act 2013, that requires all broadcasters to comply with the Minimum Broadcasting Standards. In the said communication, the Commission reminded and warned all Broadcasters that all content especially news broadcasts should be factual, balanced and free from all kinds of distortion and insinuations. News and current affairs programs should present information in an objective, accurate, Impartial, balanced and non-partisan manner.

The Commission has noted with concern that despite the various engagements and warning, broadcasters have continued to breach the minimum broadcasting standards by airing content that;
1-Misrepresents information, views, facts and events in a manner likely to mislead or cause alarm to the public.
2-Contains propagandist and/or ideological messages on behalf of partisan groups or organisations.
3 –Contains extremist or anarchic messages including the incitement of violence for political ends or other purposes.
4-Incites the public against other members of the public based on their political, religious, cultural and tribal affiliations which are likely to create public insecurity or violence.” The Commission reminds broadcasters of their statutory and license obligations to review all content before it is aired as they are individually liable for any and/or all content carried on all communication channels including online media platforms like YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all other social media platforms……”


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