UCC  Warns Media Houses Over Non-Compliance

UCC Warns Media Houses Over Non-Compliance

By Andrew Irumba

The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has tasked all media houses in Uga awwnda to strictly adhere to all broadcasting  regulations put in place.

In a letter issued by the UCC chairman Eng.Godfrey Mutabaazi on October 25, 2019, which was copied to all Print, TV, radio stations,  and online publishers, the regulator demands that all media houses must carry the tagline ‘….Regulated by the Uganda Communications Commission. 

The letter from UCC boss Eng. Godfrey Mutabaazi to all media houses

This means that if it is a radio or TV station, management must ensure that they display the Tagline to read; ‘…This TV or Radio Station is Regulated by the Uganda Communications Commission, accompanied with   a toll free number for UCC 0800222777 .

 The same applies to the adverts broadcast on these stations or published in print media.
All online publishers and bloggers will also bear the same tagline, with their customer care number and a toll free number for UCC 0800222777.


“Reference is made to the subject above and our letter dated January 30, 2019.

As you will recall, in the said letter all broadcast media houses were instructed to incorporate and prominently display at their business premises and in all their public communications the following;
The Tagline: This station is Regulated by the Uganda Communications Commission
The toll free  0800222777.

However, the Commission has since established that;

At your broadcast stations and liaison offices UCC Toll free numbers are not displayed.

That your promotional material and some of your online sites don’t indicate your customer care number and the UCC toll free line.

That some of your adverts do not carry the tagline ‘…Regulated By Uganda Communications Commission.

The Commission further reminds you that it regulates the Broadcasting Station but not the programs, hence the tagline should read ‘This station is Regulated by the Uganda Communications Commission….’

The purpose of this letter is therefore to remind you to rectify the highlighted anomalies.

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