Uganda Coffee Exports Shoot To 35%, Now Ranked 7th Among Top Global Producers

Uganda Coffee Exports Shoot To 35%, Now Ranked 7th Among Top Global Producers

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By Spy Uganda

Coffee exports from Uganda rose 35% on the year in August, extending a rising streak into the closing months of the 2020-21 season, as maturing plantations and favorable weather boost yields across Africa’s top exporter of the beans, the state-run coffee Development Authority said Thursday.

READ ALSO: UCDA: Aided By Good Weather, Uganda Coffee Exports Surge In 2020

Exports jumped to 700,990 60-kilogram bags, up from the 519,683 bags exported in the same month last season. August’s shipments brought the cumulative 11-month exports for the season to 5.9 million bags, a 22% jump compared with last season. Shipments have been rising over the past seven months, signaling the success of Uganda’s coffee-growing campaign as the country continues efforts to increase annual coffee production to 20 million bags by 2025.

Increased coffee prices on the international market, triggered by fears of severe weather in Brazil and supply disruption caused by a shortage of containers and coronavirus restrictions in Vietnam, have prompted most Ugandan farmers to release more stocks to the market, boosting exports, UCDA said.

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Harvesting in the central and western robusta growing regions is closing to pave way for the harvest in the eastern arabica coffee-producing regions.

Uganda has climbed to 7th position in the latest global rankings of the 10 top coffee producers in the world. This is according to the Managing director of the Uganda Coffee Development Authority, Emmanuel Lyamulemye.

Lyamulemye says the production figures for 2020/21 show that Uganda has risen from 8th to 7th.

He adds that Uganda’s coffee story is entering an exciting phase and that with the Coffee Act now in place, they expect accelerated growth in the sector.

He has pledged to work with all sector players to ensure quality, improve productivity, grow domestic consumption and also support coffee farmers, both large and small-holders, to thrive. an accessible web community

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