By Spy Uganda
Foreign Ministers (FMs) of Bangladesh, Uganda, Tunisia, Tajikistan and Bosnia arrived in Islamabad, Pakistan on Monday to attend 48th session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers.

Meanwhile, the delegations of Libya, Malasiya and Mozambique led by Deputy Foreign Ministers also arrived to attend the OIC meeting.
All the distinguished guests were warmly welcomed by the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organisation after the United Nations, with the membership of 57 states, covering four continents.

The OIC is the collective voice of the Muslim world to ensure and safeguard their interest on economic socio and political areas. The OIC has Institutions, which implement its programmes.
The Council of Foreign Ministers meets once a year and considers the means for the implementation of the OIC’s general policy by adopting decisions and resolutions on matters of common interest in the implementation of the OIC’s objectives and general policy, and reviewing progress in the implementation of decisions and resolutions adopted at previous Islamic Summits and Councils of Foreign Ministers. The CFM considers and approves the programme.