By Spy Uganda
Uganda’s leading Victoria University management has announced full program for semester two academic year 2021-2022.

According to the University’s program call it road map, semester two of the Academic year 2021-22 is scheduled to commence on Monday 21st March 2022 for first year students and Monday 28th March 2022 for continuing students whereas;
Induction and orientation period will be from 21st March, 2022 to 26th March, and creation of new students’emails will be from 28 Feb to Ist April 2022.

The University further says that the deadline for March 2022 applications will be 1st April 2022.

“Physical Registration exercise of new students (filling of registration 21st March 2022 to 27th March,” says the University adding;
“Module Registration of continuing students will be 21st March 2022 to 27th March 2022.”
Our Students, Parents and the University Community; here is our Road Map for the next Semester. Cheers!
— Victoria University, Kampala (@VUKampala) February 25, 2022
In the same vein, the university will commence classes for both new students and continuing students on 28th March 2022 whereas dead line for change of programme (without a charge) will be 21st March,2022 to 22rd April.
“Dead line for change of session (day, evening, weekend, distance.etc.) will be from 21st March,2022 to 22nd April and filing of new students’ academic documents in the registry will be from 21st March,2022 to 22nd April,” says the university adding thus;
Commencement of End of Semester Examinations will be from 11st July to 31st July 2022 and closure of March/July Semester will be 24th July 2022.
Meanwhile, the universuty has cautioned its students to note that:
1.The university will apply a blended approach of teaching and learning. Details of the time table will be shared later by the respective Deans/HoDs.
2.All online classes will be conducted on and access through the Victoria University E-Learning platform called V-Class.
3.Respective faculties will organize face to face classes for practical courses.
4. At the end of the 4th week al least one course work will be conducted and the second coursework will be conducted by the end of the 9th week of the semester.
5. End of semester examinations will be conducted after 15 weeks of leaching.
6. Faculties will share the time table for face to face revision before end of semester examinations are conducted.