UN Commends Uganda’s Effort In Curbing Discrimination Against Women

UN Commends Uganda’s Effort In Curbing Discrimination Against Women

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By Spy Uganda

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today concluded its review of the combined eighth and ninth periodic report of Uganda, with its Experts commending Uganda on the phenomenal progress made in the education sector, and asking about the cost of political campaigns for women and the education of refugees.

A Committee Expert commended Uganda for the phenomenal progress made in the education sector, including the implementations of strategic plans, the establishment of gender units and bi-laws, and the gender sensitive educational infrastructure which had been embarked on.

One Committee Expert noted that the cost of political campaigning was high, and this cost may be hindering women from going into politics, asking what steps the Government was taking to offset these costs. A Committee Expert noted a shortfall of teachers in refugee hosting districts and said that the impact of COVID closure on schools had impacted refugee children, asking how these issues and others being faced by refugee women and girls, such as poverty, were being addressed.

In response to questions about political costs, Mutuuzo Peace Regise, Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development of Uganda and Head of Delegation, said that the registration cost for political candidates was minimal and the same for both men and women, noting that some financial support was provided for potential candidates.

Regarding the shortfall of teachers for refugees, the delegation said that this was not an issue that was just seen in refugee schools but was also widespread throughout Uganda, due to the increased enrolment of children in schools. The delegation said that the issue was being addressed holistically, with parents encouraged to supplement and support private teachers.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Peace Regise said the Government of Uganda was consistent in its pursuit for gender equality and the empowerment of women. It had demonstrated its commitment to the provisions of the Convention and continued to honour that commitment by fulfilling the requirements. In terms of the legislative framework, Uganda had enhanced the number of gender-responsive laws.  Ms. Peace Regise also outlined several challenges which Uganda faced, including gender inequality and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gladys Acosta Vargas, Chair of the Committee, commended Uganda for its progress and encouraged the State party to take all necessary measures to implement all recommendations of the Committee.

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