By Patrick Jaramogi
KAMPALA, Uganda:Â His intention was to boost his energy levels, only to end up with an unusual erection that lasted a whooping six hours!

This is what Stephen, not real names, encountered when he took the Zambian made Natural Power SX Energy drink.
According to its labels, the energy drink that costs between Ssh2500-4000 being sold in various supermarkets and outlets in town is manufactured by Revin, a Zambian company.

TheSpy has established that after suffering a six-hour erection, coupled with massive heartbeats and intense sweating, Stephen petitioned the National Drug Authority (NDA) which is mandated with drug regulation in Uganda.

In a circular dated Dec 28, 2018 addressed to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), that TheSpy Uganda obtained, NDA observed after carrying out tests on the adulterated energy drink Batch No. E66C8, and found contents of Sildenafil Citrate, a dangerous chemical for human consumption.
In the letters NDA instructed UNBS, which is mandated to regulate all products consumed and or sold in Uganda, to take action.

Sources at UNBS revealed to us that samples of the Natural Power SX will be taken for further laboratory tests upon which appropriate action will be taken regarding whether to ban the energy drink or not.
The public has however been advised to go “slow” on Power SX ‘energy’ drink as Gov’t confirms whether it’s good for consumption or not.