UNEB Releases 2022 Examination Time Table, 56% Are Gov’t Funded

UNEB Releases 2022 Examination Time Table, 56% Are Gov’t Funded

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By Spy Uganda

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has released the 2022 examination time table for the Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examination and the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) examination.

According to UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo, a total of one million, two hundred eighty thousand, one hundred and seventy two (1,280,172) candidates have registered for all the three levels of the final examinations which indicates a percentage increase of 7.7% of the total candidature.

56 % of the total candidature seven hundred and fifty one, three hundred thirty six (751,336) learners are funded by the Government, while 44% – five hundred and sixty four thousand, eight hundred thirty six (564,836) candidates are privately sponsored.

”The Board would like to inform both candidates and parents that examination centres have been directed to display candidates’ registers at the sitting centres/schools where candidates registered in accordance with the UNEB Act, 2021. The display is aimed at giving candidates an opportunity to confirm the status of their registration as well as the correctness of the bio-data,” says UNEB boss adding, ”Both candidates and parents are advised to take keen interest in the display. They should look out for correctness of the names, order of names, date of birth, gender, the pictures, and clarity of pictures, as well the subjects and papers registered for, in the case of UCE and UACE candidates.”

According to the time table seen by TheSpy Uganda, this year’s national examinations will commence on 14th October, 2022, with the briefing of UCE candidates. UCE, which is the first series of examinations to be conducted, will run until 18th November, 2022.

The second series of examinations is the PLE which will be conducted from 7th-9th November, 2022, starting with the briefing of the candidates. UACE will commence on 18th November – 9th December, 2022.

”The Board appeals to head teachers to conduct students’ briefings personally. The Board has noted previously, that cases of irregularities and malpractice have increased, the root causes have often been that candidates would have been poorly briefed, or not briefed at all,” Odongo cautions. (https://edit.um.es/)

”Finally, we call upon all concerned parties especially teachers and parents to ensure that in the remaining time, the necessary teaching and learning, as well psycho-social support is offered to the candidates to help them effectively prepare for the examination. This is as opposed to planning to indulge in examination malpractice. Once supported, the candidates have the required competencies to pass the examinations without any interference,” Odongo noted.

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