By Peter ssebulime
Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) on Tuesday handed over a recovered vehicle (school van) that had been stolen to the deputy head teacher of Namiryango Junior boys’ school Mr.Mathew Achieng.

Speaking to media at URA headquarters, the Assistant commissioner cooperate affairs Vincent Sseruma noted that the enforcement officers attached to Busitema customs station coordinating with the police based at Seeta police station on 12th Aug 2018 received information about a stolen school van (Toyota Hilux) Reg No-UAG 231F belonging to Namilyango Junior Boys School and with its inter-agency intercepted it on its journey to Kenya.
He said that police not only intercepted the vehicle but also arrested the driver Isaac Wasike while trying to escape, who was duly forwarded together with the vehicle to Nakawa intelligence Revenue Office for further management of the offence. He added that in a period of one year, URA working with other security agencies they’ve been able to recover six vehicles.

Meanwhile, receiving the vehicle with joy and happiness, the deputy head teacher Namiryango, Mathew Achieng, narrated the situation he has gone through since the vehicle was stolen on Saturday at Seeta. He acknowledged the good works of URA.

In the same vein URA has confiscated 796 cartons of the banned skin lightening creams which were recovered from a smuggling operation that turned sour after a car that was being used to convey the contraband.
The two suspects, Sharon Kampiire and a driver of the truck were arrested and their truck full of contraband towed to Mbarara Customs Office for further management.