By Spy Uganda
Kampala: Victoria University has announced that it is ready for physical classes following their success in vaccinating all their staff and all continuing students.

The vaccination of new students is in progress at the University.
The University further says has extended classrooms at Market Plaza to observe COVID-19 SOPs.

Victoria’s announcement follows President Museveni’s directive recently that universities and other post-secondary institutions will re-open on 1 November, provided lecturers and support staff were vaccinated against the deadly disease, which has killed over 3,000 people in the country.

“After detailed discussions, the national task force [for the prevention of COVID-19 in Uganda] and I have decided post-secondary institutions can re-open,” Museveni said.
We Are Ready For Physical Classes
✔ All staff vaccinated
✔ All continuing students vaccinated
✔ Vaccination of all new students ongoing at the university
✔ Extended classrooms at Market Plaza to observe SOPsJoin Victoria University TODAY. Apply via
— Victoria University, Kampala (@VUKampala) October 24, 2021
Victoria University which is now said to be the leading university in Uganda stands out as a pivot of academic excellence, offering a fresh and intellectually thriving environment that nurtures critical and progressive thinkers and pushes pedagogical boundaries.
The University is committed to the advancement of higher education in the country and the East African region by establishing exemplary, specialised and employment-oriented education.
Under its vision of; ”To provide access to higher education transcending national boundaries and developing education opportunities which conform to highest international standards”, the institution is said to be a cosmopolitan university that is accredited by the National Council for Higher Education in Uganda with a wide range of nationalities.