Warning! The Following Photos Might Impair Your Vision: Here’s Buttered Molly Katanga’s Head That ‘Released A bullet & Killed Her Dear Husband’!

Warning! The Following Photos Might Impair Your Vision: Here’s Buttered Molly Katanga’s Head That ‘Released A bullet & Killed Her Dear Husband’!

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By Spy Uganda Investigations Desk

Only Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Jacki Chan and Rambo are the only ‘super humans’ this investigator has watched in the movie half-dead, but then gather the carriage to reach out to the nearest rifle, pick it, aim, shoot and kill. But that has only happened in the movie.

After our Spy chanced on the open scull photos and broken hand bones of Molly Katanga being operated on at IHK Hospital Kampala, when you look at those photos without bias, it can only be Schwarzenegger who can still pick a gun and aim.

The latest development now brings more puzzles to the medulla oblongatas of many Ugandans as to who pulled the trigger and gruesomely ended the life of the renowned businessman, Prince Henry Katanga, who succumbed to a gunshot wound on November 2, 2023, at his residence on Chwa II Road in Mbuya.

This tragic murder saw the swift arrest of Katanga’s wife Molly Bunanukye Katanga and her two daughters, Patricia Kakwanza and Martha Nkwanzi among others, but who have since been released on bail with tough conditions.

The daughters according to court documents are accused of destroying evidence, whereas their mother is accused of killing the husband. Ever since this incident happened, most Ugandans have been made to believe that Molly is a killer even before court proves so, ofcourse, this is partially boosted by the biased ‘naysayers’ on social media, who normally speak, then look for evidence later!

Now, at TheSpy Uganda, we thought of taking a different angle to analyze this matter comprehensively but carefully & cautiously since it is still in court. In our analysis based on forensic and intellectual acumen, we ask the puzzling question; ‘Who Killed Katanga?’, let’s dive into this!

  1.  In the academic world, David Wilson, a criminology expert believes that any person to kill, must have strong muscles to provide the power needed for striking and defending against an opponent, quick reflexes and the ability to move rapidly and change directions and confidence to take such a strange action, however based on the photos below & their analytical interpretation, you might be wrong to conclude on whether Molly had any of the above for her to execute the murder!

2. The photos above show fingers, wrists of the hand of Molly and the arm broken meaning there is no way she could use these hands to fight or shoot her husband, in fact analytically it shows she was broken the arms possibly while using them to protect her head. Another photo below;

3. The photos above show Molly’s head badly butchered to an extent that possibly she could have lost conscious before she was rushed to the C-Care IHK formerly International Hospital Kampala (IHK) with multiple fractures on her upper limbs, various head injuries and in a state of hypovolemic shock, according to a report issued by specialists appointed by the Ministry of Health.

The above are very few imaginations that we can generate out of this analysis, but we believe you can generate more if you draw a critical analysis on the above photos. Therefore, as a result of this we suspect there is a possibility of a 3rd party that most likely pulled the trigger and killed Katanga but not the ‘physically damaged’ Molly as already judged by public court, which has no formal judge or physical location where those in disagreement can appeal.

4. In fact, the above assumption corresponds very well with a 15 paged court application for an inquest by Brig.Gen Karara Freddie Macwa and Barnabas Taremwa, who asked Court to interrogate all the powerful and most decorated Generals and colonels who arrived at the crime scene first and the roles they each played. In his application to court, Brig.Gen Karara seems to be wanting to move court to look at; “who did what, and why, from the time the incident happened up to the time of swift burial in record time. The place where they buried also had issues, according to our intel inside the family (but that’s for another day).

And for those having a view that these are self inflicted wounds to escape justice, haaa, I want to be there you can also self inflict yourself to this magnitude for whatsoever reason.

Click Here To See List Of Highly Connected power brokers Brig.Gen Karara Want Court To Interrogate For Their Roles Played Before Or After Katanga’s Murder

Was Molly Katanga Supplying Guns To Army?

Last week, this investigator found out from the army that contrary to what the public has been awash with, Molly Katanga was supplying them with military hardware, actually, the poor girl was only supplying beans and posho! “But you see our society nowadays first speaks then thinks, and that sort of society is dangerous because they can incite mob justice on you after you are dead, the truth comes out to the contrary. I even doubt that Molly Katanga knows how to cock a gun, leave alone supplying them to us, but I will not talk a lot because the matter is before the court,” said an officer on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile, hearing of this murder case resumed today Monday, July 15, 2024, at the High Court in Kampala before Justice Isaac Muwata. Today’s session took a dramatic turn as a key witness’ credentials were put into question, thus creating a state of quagmire.

Mr. Mugabe Ronald Ruranga, a self-proclaimed lawyer and businessman, testified in court about his close relationship with the late Katanga. However, during cross-examination, it was discovered beyond reasonable doubt  that Ruranga was not a licensed advocate. Under cross-examination, he struggled to provide details about his legal practice, PC as commonly called in the legal jagons and his involvement in Katanga’s transactions but in-vain.

Defense lawyer Macdosman Kabega presented a document signed by the Chief Registrar indicating that Ruranga’s name does not appear on the roll of advocates. However Ruranga denied the accusation, claiming that he had been practicing law for 17 years.

The court adjourned for lunch, with the judge promising to review the law and determine whether the document can be tendered as evidence. Earlier in the trial, Ruranga had testified about Katanga’s death and the events that followed. He claimed that he received a call from Katanga on November 30, 2023, although still he could not produce any documents to support his claim.

Katanga was one of the Ankole princes, while his wife Molly is a relative and close confidant to key government and security officials who are allegedly trying to save her from tough murder charges. Watch the space….

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