We are Sorry: DTB Bank Apologizes To Bagyenda For leaked Bank Details

We are Sorry: DTB Bank Apologizes To Bagyenda For leaked Bank Details

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By our reporter

Diamond Trust Bank could face punitive actions for leaking customers’ accounts details. Our reporter can exclusively report that former Bank of Uganda Director in charge of supervision Justin Bagyenda is pondering taking the Jinja road based DTB bank to court for breach of contract. Last week, Bagyenda’s muliti billion Bank accounts with the side Bank were laid bare unto the surface causing public outrage. (https://atlasautobody.com/)

Early this week, DTB released a statement in which they accepted that the leakage of Bagyenda’s account details was an inside job, a thing that could land them into bigger trouble. “If a staff can do that, then he can equally switch money from one’s account to another and finally swindle it” a customer was heard arguing.
DTB revealed that after leakage of Bagyenda’s account details, they carried out an extensive investigation and established that one of their staff was compromised to access her (Bagyenda) accounts in the bank system.
“Confidential details relating to the accounts were leaked to outsiders and apparently used to create grossly distorted allegations about Mrs Bagyenda’s alleged bank account balances.

Copy of the apology to Bagyenda by DTB Bank.

The bank further disassociated itself from the unprofessional and illegal actions of the staff and those who may have corruptly procured them to carry out the misdeed.
DTB also apologized to Bagyenda for the inconvenience and embarrassment that the incident caused to her.
Apparently, DTB alleges that it has initiated necessary disciplinary proceedings against them and will make a formal criminal complaint.

Last week, Bagyenda shocked the nation when it was revealed that her bank accounts contained shs20 billion made in the shortest time.

Bagyenda is accused of collapsing city tycoon Sudhir Ruparia’s Crane Bank by omission or commission while she was director in charge supervision at Bank of Uganda. As a result, Sudhir’s Meera Investments went to court demanding over 46 properties that attract billions of shillings in compensation, if he wins the case against BoU and Uganda land commission

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