We Can’t Stand Your Rotten Acts: Gov’t Officially Kicks CEO Conwell & His Group Out Of Uganda Airlines, Terminates Their Juicy Contracts

We Can’t Stand Your Rotten Acts: Gov’t Officially Kicks CEO Conwell & His Group Out Of Uganda Airlines, Terminates Their Juicy Contracts

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By Spy Uganda 

According to our sources, the Government of Uganda has finally kicked Chief Executive Officer Cornwell Muleya and other top managers out of Uganda Airlines over their ‘dubious’ acts.

Our sources have since quoted permanent secretary of Ministry of Works and Transport, Waiswa Bageya as saying that the decision to kick Muleya and group out of swiftly progressing Uganda Airlines currently in the hands of workaholic Acting CEO-Jenipher Bamuguraki, was taken on Friday by the interim board.

We have learnt that other managers and officers have either been also kicked out or reinstated while two are still on suspension pending vetting from security agencies and confirmation on whether or not they passed technical training.

“We have concluded the case against most of the suspended officials administratively. I cannot disclose the reasons for the CEO’s termination right now because the IGG is still conducting investigations. But the interim board of directors decided to terminate his contract because the allegations against him were substantial and he was found culpable,” Bageya is quoted by our source.

This development must have smashed Muleya psychologically to the marrows, whose juicy contract was awarding him a huge chunk of Ugandan shillings 120million as his monthly gross salary even when he was under probe and the dame time paying Ag CEO Jenifer Bamuturaki.  This according to Auditor General’s office, this has been a huge loss to government that has been effecting payments for the two monthly since Muleya’s contract was still considered active.

Other affected top earners include the managers; finance director Paul Turacayisenga, Rogers Wamara the director commercial and procurement manager Moses Wangalwa.

Also; sales and marketing officer Deo Nyanzi, Andrew Tumusiime (senior administration manager), Harvey Kalama (ground operational manager), Bruno Oringi (safety manager), Michael Kaliisa (quality manager), crew training manager Juliet Otage Odur and first officers Kenneth Kiyemba, Alex Kakooza and Pereza Ahabwe, the chairperson board of directors.

The said officials are accused of indulging in corruption practices such as pocketing bribes and mismanaging the national carrier, something that would see the airline down if Museveni had not swung into action to clear the ‘Kawukumi (weevils), says a source who works in one of these mafia’s offices.

The officers are also accused of; extorting money from job applicants, bungling procurement contracts, recruiting relatives, friends and church members across the network, maintaining ghost workers on the airline’s payroll and giving jobs to unqualified pilots at the expense passenger’s safety.

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